is there any truth to the rumor....

I read a post on rx7club and sombody was saying they heard that Garrett is no longer selling replacement parts for GT series turbos, the only option is to by the whole CHRA or a whole new turbo. Has anyone else heard anything??

I have not heard anything about this but I can call my reps on tuesday for you if you like

ive heard that a few times before, ive always assumed it was rumor mill at work.

ruh roh

not necessary, i just was just wondering if anybody heard anything

hmm lemme talk to my contact :wink: i’ll let you know eric

what replacement parts would you need?

you cant rebuild hte CHRA so youd have to order a whoel new one anyways

the intake and exhaust housings shouldnt “wear out” but there is always aftermarket housings from precision, innovate, turbonetics etc

^^ in the post from rx7 club, the guy wanted to buy a new turbine wheel and they wouldnt sell just the wheel, only the CHRA. For us rotary guys, tossing an apex seal means a new turbine wheel.

yea, but you cant just replace the wheel, thats what they are saying…

if you replace just the wheel your going to have to get it balanced again, and not only that i think the ball bearing is part of/pressed onto the shaft somehow

Sounds right to me.

you shouldn’t be worrying about that anyways, you’ll be fine :slight_smile: