Seen numerous youtube videos and also 1 person local tell me there is an issue with having any item pertrude from your helmet. local was some horns or something, but my issue is gopro set up, is it illeagal to have a gopro cam attacthed to your helmet?
from that…
S5.5 Projections. A helmet shall not have any rigid projections inside its shell. Rigid projections outside any helmet’s shell shall be limited to those required for operation of essential accessories, and shall not protrude more than 0.20 inch (5 mm).
but that is for helmet manufacturers, so I dont know if it counts if you add something, especially considering it would break free in a crash
Motorcycle helmet use is required for all riders. Motorcycle helmets must meet US DOT federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS 218).
Eye protection is required for all riders. Eyewear must, at a minimum, conform to standards established by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI – Z87.1).
Daytime headlight use is required. Headlight modulators are permitted.
A passenger seat and footrest are required if carrying a passenger.
Motorcycle helmet speakers may only have one earphone.
Additional equipment required:
Lights including headlight, taillight, stop lamp and license plate lamp
At least one red rear reflector
Brakes (on both wheels if manufactured after 1971)
Directional signals (if manufactured after 1985)
Turn signals (if manufactured after 1985)
A horn or other warning device
At least one rearview mirror, although one on each handlebar is recommended
A muffler is required; "cutouts' or mufflers with removable baffles are not allowed
Handlebars or grips must be less than 15 inches above than the driver's seat
Only two motorcycles may operate side by side in a single lane.
At least one red rear reflector
Most people with fender eliminator will fail this…:rofl. Solution would be to go to advance and get a plate screw with a built-in reflector.
That is my exact thoughts, I mean I see no danger in it and force coming from a fall bad enough to break your neck that camera is deffenitly snapping loose first lol…
Not sure what states, I know it is in washington from a bunch of motoVloggers, but honestly even if it was I dont think cops would bother me much for my intown driving and work commutes on back roads lol, unless im acting like an ass, I do not for see them bothering me lol… but I hate cops, and uneeded confrontations with them lol.
If that was the only reason to have pulled you over, you can call their bluff. It will piss them off, so if you have ANYTHING questionably illegal on you or your bike I would advise against it.
Simple ask for the description of the law. Most cops have the VT&L on hand, or a copy on the in car computer. You might sit there for a while until they can render it, or you might get the “Take this as a warning” and ride away.
I just texted my cop buddy and he will let me know. if there is ill get the ### and look up the description.
Samething my cop just told me. And even if the mount was under that height, it can be deemed non-essential to the operation and still get you a ticket.
We also laughed becasue he said the next squid with a mohawk thing attached to the helmet is getting yanked and written up this week! LOL :rofl