is this repairable? no 56ker

I am looking at this 240,

and I see this…

is this fixable? worth fixing? if fixed, can it handle stronger engine load ? SR?
I dunno why there are red wires in one side, and on that same pic, I think the frame is empty under there

I am just looking for suggestions and maybe a direction to how to handle it.

the idea is to fix, soo I am looking for comments/help in that area,

not scrapping the car or parting

thanks for your help


yeah dude fix it :roll:

ed buddy, there are nice 240’s for sale, there are shitty 240’s for sale. buy a nice one.

my buddy could fix that, if you had a grand cash to give him to do it… then you’d pull up the carpet and take off the wheels and find all the other rust on the car… fork over another grand for it, etc.

point taken, thanks ty

the search continues…

You can fix all that easily… I have seen worse actually when I was in search for mine but they were so much worse I wouldn’t consider them.

Finding someone else to fix it… like Spilner said his buddy will do it for $1000 cash… I myself would probably want a grand as well and I’m sure an actually body repair man would want even more… Alot of people arent into fixing frames or just do not want too because it can be alot of work.

If you are able to fix it yourself then that is great news!!! it wont cost you nothing other then time and materials…

If you are worried about power load on the frame from a SR say… then get a 6pt cage it stiffen up the frame…

How much is this car Ed ? If its over $800 I’d change your mind… if not then jump on it if the rest of the underbody / body is clean.

if I get this car, I would be planing to fix it,

the only problem is I don’t know where to get the metal (materials) <-- the right materials

There are a lot of places to get metal to fix it. you just need to make sure you get the same guage steel for the job.

I’ve got a small section of bad frame on my 240, I’m not a very good welder, but I’ve got a very good teacher. after I repair the damaged area, I’m going to pour in some of that reinforcing foam to stregnthen it, as well as take all possible measures to make sure it doesn’t degrade again.

It’s a lot of work, and a lot of money to get someone else to do it. I gave up a 240 because I though I could fix it where it was too far gone. Rember to ask yourself how much time and money are you willing to invest on just getting you car back to a good starting point.



Unless the car is free I say run like hell away from it before you get infected.

My car was worse, I fixed all the rust now, no need to run from this car, just make sure it doesn’t have excessive rust everywhere else.

This is a good point, my frame was worse and I fixed it, rest of the car has minimal rust…

rule of thumb. Don’t buy rust…If that spot is rusted, in most but not all cases other rust spots on the rear section of the frame are toast.

Why spend money on something like that when you can get something in good condition for probably a bit more. You can find clean ass s13’s in 2-4 grand range if you are patient.


I totally agree. If your gonna spend that kinda dough fixing that frame, you might as well wait and find a mint one. Seeing that rust, Its deadly heh, go take a peak up in the rear section of the frame, above the muffler and such, and check the rear liner behind the wheel well, chances are if the fronts that bad, the back is worse…
But if the car is cheap, and you know thats the only bad rust spot which is uncommon. Then fix it, you may end up spending less fixing it instead of buying a mint one…

Your call here, you’ve got enough input… Id stay away from it simply because i find it hard to believe that thats the ONLY bad section underneath the car.

Just watch it man, Theres alot of scammers out there too, I can remember my buddy buying a 240 he thought was mint, The owner claimed it had a mint frame, and new paintjob… I regret not going with him to look at the car because Pavel and Andy took a look at it after he bought it, The old owner had the same rails it looked like, he took bondo, filled it all in, sanded it square and painted the rails black. Until we put a magnet to the frame we couldnt tell it was filled with bondo…Then we took the carpet out to paint it black, found 5 holes in the floor pan… Just giving you some ideas of what to look for man.

Beware man, AS IS cars can be huge hassles.

thanks for everyone’s help/suggestions

I’ll try to go to the car again and take more pictures of it, all the rust and etc, I’ll post it up, maybe you guys can help me generalized if this car is worth fixing. the car is cheap priced



Ed, i’m sure by now you’ve learned all the problem areas.

Check them out as you’re being encouraged to do, this is what will tell you whether or not the car is worth it.

If in doubt, don’t buy it.

Good luck.

Do you plan on doing the work (all of it) yourself?

This kind of work costs … any frame repair will, unless you do it yourself. Do you have the skills and the patience? That’s where it gets expensive.

Frames on these cars are paper thin. It is nothing to take a sawzall to a parts car and cut yourself a section of frame/floor.

I would only consider taking a car on like this if you are willing to do it all yourself.

Paying to fix rust on an as is car is a bad idea. You’re starting your project already in the hole … as in you have to fix it before you can even start to mod/drive it.

Everyone underbudgets fixing an AS IS car. It ends up costing twice what you figured, and your $$$ for mods suffers. You end up spending just as much as “the other guy” but you’re rocking a stock “nice” car and his is modded nicely.

Body guys always … ALWAYS find more rust. You get the car in there for a repair, and they’ll call you in … show you another soft spot “we didn’t notice this before … it’s bad, should be done now.” And you just grab your ankles tighter.

If you can cut and you can weld, you can laugh at people paying $$$$ for clean cars and fix your own for free.

Frame parts are commercially available, not to mention how many southern 240s are sitting in wreckyards with cherry frames.

that can be fixed for way less than a grand

mine was not quite that bad…but i got a welding shop to fix it for $180 cash and they did a nice job

shop around

wow, thanks again for all your info and help, yeah, I’ve seen enough 240s around to find the major rust problems

I have time and most of the equipment, tig welder etc and I have a place where I can store/park like 3-4 cars + a garage. I am looking for the experience as well… so I am planing to do most of the work myself w/ a little help from friends

I’m also looking at another 240, no pictures tho, but I’ll try to describe it bellow, which one would you choose?

which car would you guys choose? a car that has a perfect frame, but has more outer rust, like… bad rockers, a hole near the driver door hinge, near, but not at the hinge, rusted rear wheel wells, rusted bottom doors, and a slight dmg to the side more like a swipe dmg.
but the frame is minttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt not a speck of rust and no repairs on the frame either, and no holes on the floor

orr would you choose the 240 in theses pictures… where… everything looks spotless outside, no outer rust, only those frame rails and 2 holes on the floor…

both cars = cheap

here’s a picture of the 240 that has those frame rail issues…
I snapped it a bit too far to see anything tho…

mmm factory aero. If that car is under $1000 and the only issue is the pics above, id go for it if you can fix the rails yourself (cheaper…).
Looks like a good body, if its under $500 and you dont wanna fix it, take it as a parts car. Make a couple bucks

Heh … get both, you’ve got the parking space :wink:

Fix one, part out what you don’t use off the other and make some of your $$$ back.

If you’re planning to learn all about body/frame repair, just make sure it’s solid. Rotten frames can be fixed easily, but ONLY if the frame hasn’t shifted or moved. As long as the car sits ok. The hole in the pictures is really nothing, but it might make the car CHEAPER for you to buy.

Just keep pointing out the big hole, and explain to the guy how expensive it will be to repair.

ok it’s going to be fixed :smiley:

Good luck w/ everything dude, keep us posted and keep the pics coming. :thumright: