IT People: I need interview help!

Can’t help you with the technical stuff (I’m a software engineer), but either you know that or your don’t.

However, chances are there are already lots of people applying that know how to do it, so the key in an interview is confidence. Everyone they call in for an interview has a resume that says on paper they can do the job. You have to walk in and show them in person that you know how to do the job. Believe me, you don’t even have to be the best qualified if you have the right answers.

I’ve interviewed for 5 real career type jobs in my life and received offers at all 5. At my current job I basically said, “Yeah, I don’t have any experience in your field”. Then I went on to explain how I overcame similar issues at my last job. I knew I had it by the end of the interview because the interview shifted from, “How are you right for our company” to “This is why our company is right for you”.

Confidence, eye contact, and being a great salesman. That’s what interviews come down to.