It's Dead...

to answer all the questions and reply to all the comments since my last post:

i have spent way more than i planned on…

i did expect a lot of problems, just not THIS many…

Joe, i told you…i’m fairly POSITIVE that safety boost is around 4 or 5 psi…which is what the car is running…it put itself in safety boost after realizing the lack of fuel it was getting…

i bought the pump sunday, prob shipped monday, should be here soon…

i didn’t expect a free HG job…but it was worth a shot…

and finally, i got this far…no way in hell am i giving up now…


HG Comments were based on Newman’s prelimenary posts.

god damn paypal and their slow transactions…

payment expected to clear tomorrow the 15th…and from then item will ship 3 day select…the 18th is what sunday, so if joe and pat are still willing to help out, that’s the day we could shoot for in installing the new pump, and my friend eric will be coming over as well hopefully to check the injectors with me to make sure they’re all good…and ones that need replacing will be replaced…

do they deliver on sunday

my fat fingers hit the caps lock and i didnt reread my post sorry

I still say it’s ur pump. I mean you are running a NA pump on a TT motor, It only makes sense :gotme:

welcome to 20 posts ago


DAMMIT no they dont…fuckingshitassbitchcuntwhore

It’s not paypal’s fault you’re a dumbass and used an e-check :stuck_out_tongue:

Was the car still “cold?” Until the car reaches 60 C, the car will stay in safety mode. As soon as the temp is above 60 C, you’ll get full boost.

But like I said before;


No… Click HERE for a list of what causes safety boost. Run ECU Diagnosis (Click HERE) before you go insane speculating about what it could be.

Safety Boost = 5-6PSI.

Safety Boost doesn’t stop the car from building boost completely. But that small drop makes for a large power decrease, relative to the stock output of the car (around 50whp, so around 20% whp drop.) Safety Boost changes the fuel maps as well.

:word: Pulling the motor would be harder than just doing the gaskets in-car.

the car was cold at first…and on the way from mighty it musta been warm cause i did hit 8psi once…just to see if it would…not to be a dick or to purposely try to fuck my car up…the rest of the way home i stayed out of boost like you said to…

:tup: to the biggest 300ZX nerd i know

edit: josh, what’s your quote on how long a piston ring changing would take? and difficulty level of doing so…just so i know what i might have to expect…

:tup: josh knows his shit

i’m reading the online version of the 1200 page manuel i printed up…and looking into the how to’s of getting to the pistons and rings and what not…and i know it’s a long job…but it doesnt seem impossible…how crazy am i to consider taking it on myself with a friend or two? its come to the point where i simply have no money to put into a big job like that, and am not going to let it go if i need a new piston ring…causing possible further damage…if it needs to be done, dammit i’m gonna do it…

what forced you to hit 8psi? let alone 5psi a couple times…

no boost = no boost. I did it for 800 miles… its not impossible

You don’t want to know…

The only way I would bother to change the ring would be if I was going to pull the motor anyway and throw in some forged pistons or you wanted to do all of the rings, and crank bearings, etc.

You’ll need to re-test the compression so you know exactly what the #'s are.

The MINIMUM is 128psi in a TwinTurbo. If you’re 130-140 I’d drive it until you store it - not beating on it - and save up some cash…

Josh = 300Z genious…i hate calling him thinking im bothersome…but i trust him over autoplace nissan and most mechanics.

everyone said not to do the jdm swap…but people always tell people not to do stuff and they do it anyways…doesnt matter…it works out for some people and ur already 90% done, u better F-ing finish it and get some kill stories up next year :tup:

Well if Onyx is a 300Z Genious…then I am a 300zx Genius :stuck_out_tongue:

next year???

if the compression checks out at at least 128 on that one cylinder, i hope to have a few mild kills in this year (mild meaning the same caliper that you usually brag about in your kill stories…i keeed i keeed)

if by some miracle newman was wrong, and the compression is good all around, i’ll have some real kills up hopefully…

and if the compression is bad, and it needs internal engine work, one things for DAMN sure…i am not going to go in there and tear it all apart…and only replace that piston ring…no chance in hell
