Its getting COLD outside

Bet he doesn’t get it…

i hope he does, it’ll keep you and the kiddos nice and warm in the winter. plus in the summer you could cool off the ride.

When Bri and I go camping we have to drive around to get the boys to take thier naps and once they fall to sleep we crack the windows and remote start it for the a/c while we eat luch by the truck. works great. :bigthumb:

^^^true story^^

Ok… you have to drive around with them because you let them do that to you. Mine go to sleep when they are ready and I think Budddy would get pissed if I told hoim to take a nap… I’m more concerned about how long it takes to warm up the back of the bus when the baby is in there.

less than 22 minuets

Im thinking about doing this for my mom, she has an 03 Envoy. Does the remote have something to pop the rear hatch??? maybe just the glass, since it opens seperately from the door?

yep hatch opens via remote

he wants the glass to also

depends upon factory controls, in my blazer the glass oopens via button inside, if this be the case with the envoy then yes i can do if with my remote, but if there is a handle like the expedition, then obviously no, i will not be able to make it open electronicly

soon as I find some free time to get out your way, I am going to make an appointment to bring her envoy down there.

(not like Cool as in 37* outside this morning), but Cool as in thanks, I appriciate it.

Installed 2 this week already, and the rest of the week is scheduled, next week is open for appointments so gimme 2 days notice still,

Monday, And Tuesday I have remote start installs till 8 or 9pm each night, Im going to reserve 1 to 2 appointments for each Saturday just for PS members. You can get in anyday you want, but im going to keep those open for all board members.
Please Still give 3 days notice. as I am unable to keep these Parts in stock right now…

23* this morning…

Alright, i had to make some changes, apparently Dodge and Honda wana be difficult,

Please check the 1st post of this thread for exceptions. thanks, and I still need 3 days notice to get an appointment for remote start, thanks

dude, i don’t know how you do those things all day… I used to install them for the Fun Trucken store down the road, and after one winter of it, i don’t want to ever see one again in my life…

im a small guy so crawling under the dash doesnt realy bother me much, i like the challange of finding white/red drivers kick, then when i get there its a bundle of 5 thousand wires, and 10 white/reds. lol
But all in all its cool, ive done 14 by myself in the last 2 weeks alone. and the season hasnt really started.

Do you check your PM’s? I sent you one 2 days ago, no response :doh:

imn sorry man, checking now,

bump* Chaz did a job for meeh boys EVO MR. Great Job and hes really happy with it. Might have some more buisness coming your way ill let you know.

Thank you Star Boy, was hoping you would venture out with him though. Wanted to talk about T shirt design, and a new Logo for the shop.
Maybe Next time.
Thanks again Man :bigthumb:

seems the few warm days made the appoinments slow down a touch, but since the cold days began again, the calls started up.

So as of today im looking at 1-2 days notice,

Also Edited 1st post AGAIN, as the PITTspeed special will end soon… sorry