From his website:
The Ground Zero Mosque is an affront to the American people and an insult to the thousands who died there and the thousands of troops who have been killed and maimed in the ensuing wars.
Carl believes Ground Zero is much larger than the footprint of the Twin Towers. In fact, Ground Zero is the entire lower Manhattan district where the dust cloud fell. That cloud contained the remains of the many men and women murdered.
Carl doesn’t view this as a religious issue. He sees it as all about ideology - an ideology of hate bent on the destruction of America. The developers of the Ground Zero Mosque are not moderate Muslims - they support Hamas and blame the United States for 9-11. Many moderate Muslims are as upset about the Ground Zero Mosque as non-Muslims.
Carl doesn’t think we need to just investigate the funding behind the Mosque - that’s equivocating. It doesn’t matter who paid for it. When Carl is sworn in as Governor of New York, he will stop the Mosque that very day by any legal means necessary.
Eminent domain may help accomplish this, but not by taking the property. With limited eminent domain, the Ground Zero District can simply be declared a restricted area where insults to the 9-11 families may never be built.
That settles it. I absolutely will not vote for Paladino, and as a freedom loving American despise him. If he has so little respect for civil liberty that he will use eminent domain to accomplish religious persecution then he’s a tyrant. Period. Spin it however you like, it doesn’t change the truth that he wants to forcibly take private property to suppress free religious practice.
And I just read his bit on his “Dignity Corp” aka making more people work for the state (this is called socialism kids). How do you do that when unemployment is so high that people who want work already can’t find jobs? Fuck dignity corp. Just kick them off welfare and let the private sector find something for them to do.
Administration: Carl will demand that the Regents Board remove the School Board and Superintendents of all school systems presently achieving a less than 60 percent graduation rate or having more than 25 percent of its schools in any form of academic distress and replace them with a competent “Special Master” with full authority to implement the changes necessary to effectively and quickly address the dysfunction.
Yes, deeper government involvement is always the answer. To everything apparently. Let me remind you that school board members are elected. He sees fit to do away with elected officials as he pleases. This guy is terrifying. I don’t know how he considers himself a REPUBLICan when he obviously does not believes in the concepts that make a republic.
I’m not saying I’ll vote for Cuomo either, but I’m sure as shit not going to vote myself from the People’s Republic of NY into the Kingdom of NY.