It's still a stupid law

Nah, she will probably end up getting off…

It’s about time the police themselves got a taste of their own medicine, for those hypocrites out there that you see speed and drink\drive, they shouldn’t be wearing the badge.

You’d be surprised how many get away with it cuz they’re of the law lol.

i think she should have to pay max fine and impound fee`s,etc she should be setting an example

speed doesnt kill, incompetent unskilled drivers do. Canada officially has retarded drivers syndrome.

This is the biggest business deal the government and police/court system could pull off on the people. I call it highway robery tax.

I feel safer around german highways with grandmas than I do with 100km/hr local drivers.

Sad thing is, this will never get overturned UNLESS there’s a big uproar by the whole nation, but too many people are already too brainwashed and synthesized. Group mind mendling. Meaning, things that people were so accustomed to believe that they will not question or really oppose. Another synonymous example would be, that we automatically believe that the government is here for us, but if it’s not, people still keep believing it; to the extent that if anyone stands out, they’ll be attacked by everyone for speaking in the opposite sense. Group mind.

Cops being charged just pleases me because they are the ones handing out these so it’s nice to see them raped in the butt by the same law they are pushing… however I am ever so obviously against this lame law.

Speed doesn’t kill, incompetence does.

So how often do you drive on those german highways?

He doesn’t. Hes the one on our highways doing 90km/h, in the fast lane.

They should crush the car… I’m jsut saying.

I’m the one going 90km/hr in the left lane :smiley:

Notice I’m in Canada right now, there is only garbage roads with garbage drivers :smiley: I can hardly go 20km/hr every morning because some smart driver each morning causes an accident going 20km/hr.

I was last in germany 2 years ago sadly, right after I came back I got my first speeding ticket in canada lmao. Even my mother’s village has better roads than Canada.

It’s quite amusing that, most accidents in Canada from what I’ve seen have been in the very very low double digit figures and I’m talking 20-30km/hr. Sadly this is a scene every single morning.

I heard on the news this morning that she was going to be put before a opp tribunal, does this mean she bypasses the normal court system? Or is this along with it?

Fail and a half. Why would you quote me and then not even answer the question?


this law may not be overturned but it will be changed it is against our constitutional rights cops should not be able to deam a person guilty without a trial
and roger if you are doing 90 in the left lane you are an incompetent driver the left lane is for passing only somth no one in this province seems to understand
ppl that do 90 in the left lane on the hwy should be bitch slaped
cant remember who said you only get a 50 over fine
well you dont your car gets impounded and you get a summons to appear in court at which point you could go to jail
another part of this law that bothers me is that for some reason if you go 50 over for some reason you are considered racing/stunting
fuck now im just getting upset

Mark you are a trolling retard, no one should respond to you anyways.

LOL I do not drive 90 in the left lane, that was sarcasm.

Wow. Fail again. Didn’t you at least get your high school diploma?