itunes and external harddrive question

OK since my harddrive on my laptop is only 40 or 60 gigs, I bought a 160 external.

I want to upload a few friend’s songs, so I figure I could just hook up my external harddrive to their comps

My main goal here is I want to put the songs on my ipod.

so here’s what I’m asking; can I plug my external harddrive into my laptop, and put those songs on my ipod, or do I have to upload the songs off the harddrive onto my comp, then put them on my ipod?

Cant you just hook your IPOD up to your friends computer and just transfer the songs? or does it prevent you from doing that with some DRM BS?

Ya,you can plug both into the laptop and just transfer the songs off the HD onto the IPOD.

you can’t download off of someone else’s itunes without erasing your own (what’s already on there)

can I plug my external harddrive into my laptop, and put those songs on my ipod, or do I have to upload the songs off the harddrive onto my comp, then put them on my ipod?

Yes you can. With the external plugged in just add the songs to ur library, then organize(if u do that, im anal and always organize), then just update the pod

Wrong section, moved.

you can connect someone else’s ipod to your computer without having either contents erased if you change your itunes settings to be manual.

then you would need a program to copy the songs off of their ipod onto your computer OR set itunes to treat the ipod as a hard drive and then you can just copy it off like so but it won’t be very organized.