I've been had...

Paint it pink

razorblade, tape the corners, use the flat side lightly scrape em down then wet sand and buff it…whats the problem.

cause the clear is 1/16th of an inch thick is some places…thats alot of scrubbing with 1600 grit.

Start with 1000grit, then go to 1500, then 2000.

Fuck that, make the guy who did it fix that shit and stand by his work.

Because some of the worst paint runs are ~8-10" wide. <—again, no joke We’re not talking simple 1/8" wide clear runs here folks. We’re talking excessive application waterfall runs, as in layer shift. Urethane was applied WAY too heavy and too fast, amongst other things.

If the guy will make up for it, Jay will run it as is and have it fixed at the end of the season. No use in putting off racing over trying to get f-ed paint repaired in a hurry.

THis ^

Plus, im sure the paints gonna get somewhat comprimised anyways

I plan on a shit load of vinyl to hide most of it through this season, then painter will get another chance with a complete strip and repaint… its a race car and I am not that concerned…however, I was promised near perfect…so I intend on getting a better job than this… the excuses were valid, but not my fault…so therfor, it will be handled diplomatically… if possible.

Nice, GL with everything man!

Sucks, but you can use 1000 on those areas if you wanted. It stills sucks and even scraping with a razor would take forever if theres alot of them.