Japan vs Germany?

Splitting up a project for work and I have the option to choose which I should hit up.

Suggestions either way?

How long would you be travelling to either location?

At least 2 weeks I would have enough free time to check out local stuff.

Hmm. Well there are obviously major difference between the two. I guess it depends on if you like sushi or beer more. Either way you go, it’s going to be as interesting as you want it to be.

At the first thought of it, which culture interests you more?

I have always heard good things about Japan and I figured Germany is easier to randomly visit if I do a trip to Europe.

I wasn’t sure if either is better if you’re a tourist which is why I figured I would post up.

What cities?

If its on the company do Japan… like you said you can visit Germany much cheaper anytime on your own.

I’ve been to both, what time of the year? I would plan it around holiday’s or culture events.

Sometime in 4th quarter so soon

I don’t know exact locations it has to be major cities however just wanted to put in for either before someone else snags the better one

I would choose Germany, but that’s not based on any real knowledge or first hand experience with either.

Germany hands down. Rent a sweet car, hit up zee autobahn. Go to Austria drive through the mountains… It’s like a 24/7 hard on.

History, castles, culture plus a lot of people in Europe speak engrish. :slight_smile:


However, you can buy SO MUCH COOL SHIT from japan

Plus if you can take a week off and meet the wife in the Rivera you’d get mad brownie points

Hows mother Russia? lol


After spending a week in probably one of the poorest places in EurAsai it really is eye opening. I’ll probably make a thread in the next few days.

I’m on the Caspen Sea right now in a town called Actau, it’s really kind of beautiful.

Fuck the autobhan, I want some school girl panties:tup:


Japan would seem pretty cool, but with Germany, you can go all over Europe so easily

I was only in Japan for a week but it was A great time, Super expensive though. I’d probably do Japan just because of the last time i went its just such a change from what your used to its good to experience it.

Has anyone ever told you that you’re a goddamn deviant?

I was gonna vote Germany but this my sway my vote haha