JayS, AWD, Political Crew: Why do we cap SS tax?

I’ve been saying for years now that they need to offer some kind of basic, specialized economics course in school. High School, Jr. High, hell make it grade school for all I care.

Its obvious that the basic Math A B bullshit isn’t getting applied…

Hell even Fry didn’t know how APYs are figured, and hes a fricking engineer.

don’t ban me, just making a point.

I say no. Judging from what the average person knows about economics and finance, I just see loads of money being thrown around foolishly, artificially inflating crap and devaluing worthwhile securities, and brokers shafting people with sneaky fees. Then those who lost it all would be looking for bailouts. I would give them a choice of high, medium, or low-beta portfolios, and that’s it.

Okay, i can’t resist - not to take this thread even further off topic, but:

Yet you were championing more public aid for people???

I was championing making said public aid contingent on getting some resemblance of an education.

Ideally, most of these institutions are including a personal finance class to teach people about time value of money, appreciating and depreciating assets, and the basics of investments at a minimum, regardless of major.

Im sick of all the handouts to people just for them being lazy and or poor because they cant manage their money. Im with Newman on this one. Poor people suck. So do ugly people and fuck you guys too. Just sayin.

Social Security that you can invest is an oxymoron. And when people say “Who cares, let people invest on their own if they want, if they lose it all then though shit”: Gotcha and Told You So isn’t the way you run a government, it’s certainly not a way to govern.

It is OUR (mine and your) responsibility to watch out for our fellow Americans. Rich or Poor, Smart or Stupid. We all won the lottery when we were born into this country and we must forever repay that wonderful bit of luck. That’s not to say that there aren’t problems with our government, our entitlement programs, our economy, our politics, or a host of other issues. Problems can be fixed. The fact that free loaders will exist is something people need to come to terms with, people will take advantage but that doesn’t make something a bad idea. What’s the better situation? Having 500 people free load in order to help 1,000,000 who truly need it? Or help no one, but have no free loaders?

Like I said before there is a fundamental difference in the way certain people view what America means. I happen to interpret the phrase “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” to mean ALL of us, those who can contribute and those who can’t. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you didn’t luck out in life, that you’re self-made. I guarantee you no matter who you are, if you’re successful in America the government was there for you at some point.

Don’t forget the shower beer.

:lol: And a beer in every shower! :clap:


Clean up the distribution side of the system, then tax everyone evenly - I’d consider that a fair governing of the program.

There are too many “of the people” and not enough “by the people”, though it seems that the “for the people” refuse to do anything to change this.

I’m of the view that all men were created equal, and therefore deserve a fair shake (by their gov’t & peers). So, help those that are unable to help themselves, or at least willing to help themselves but do not have the means.

Teach people how to be responsible for themselves, because that is apparently the greatest impass in “the system” as it stands. If, after that point, You willingly fuck that up, too bad. Government is supposed to provide infrastructure, order, and services towards quality of life. It should not be expected that the government will hold the hand of every citizen throughout their entire lives.

What did people do before SSI?

but that would rely on believing that people choose to be lazy, choose to fuck up.
the reality is that for some people life just doesn’t work out. If the govt. stops helping people and says “you had your chance/handout” does the problem go away?

NO, we pay for it with crime, homelessness, etc…

is that really any cheaper or even the right thing to do?

Let Darwin clean up the mess?


I gotta stop rubbernecking this thread. I just can’t get myself to look away.


Same here. I’m trying not to post too seriously in it anymore though since it’s such a train wreck of logic. Just coming back because it helps me understand how the brains of the other side work. Then maybe I’ll be able to understand such winners as:
“I want a real monkey for my 3 year old”
“If my car gets repo’d the police now have to pay back my loan”
“The cops suck because they bother me when I break the law”

Tsk tsk. A closed mind is a waste…

no, people didn’t just work… they begged and stole as acts of desperation.

I think it’s more of a train wreck of misunderstanding.

Republicans thinking the dems want a people’s republic.
Dems thinking republicans are heartless bastards who don’t want to help anyone.

Oh well. I blame it all on big tobacco.

Well, since you mentioned it… :stuck_out_tongue:

Outlaw it, and close them down. I’ll bet $10 that the legacy costs of Big Tobacco outweigh the financial support it offers to the tax base… especially considering the cost of health care is expected to double by 2017.

They died young and broke, or they were a burden to their families that held back the prosperity of an entire generation. What I think really bothers people is that this program, by name and design, is socialist. There is an entire army of Limbaugh regurgitating feauxservitives who have been brainwashed to believe that big brother is taking hard earned money away from them and giving it to some lazy shit.

No one has speculated to the results of dispatching SS altogether. Imagine a group of destitute, virtually unemployable individuals with chronic health problems. They’re not going to eat cat food in Florida very long. I don’t care how old they are, if you can’t afford to feed yourself you will steal to survive. I don’t think many of you understand how close most of this country is to true poverty. If 50% of individuals over 62 couldn’t support themselves, do you trust our government to guarantee order and security? I don’t. I’ve visited those third world shitholes where troops patrol the streets with guns and I don’t mind my middle class tax burden. I think its a great value, and it would be a better value if taxation was fair and the burden wasn’t shouldered by what used to be the middle class.