JDM Cars in NYS

:lol: Sucks to be him.

1996-1998 R33 GTR’s are perfectly legal to register in the United States.

Motorex crash tested 96-98 R33 GTR’s…R32 and R34’s need to be registered as show/race cars.

He says though that he is still paying on the car… I’d stop paying on it at least…let the bank repo it HAHAHAHa

Again, that’s because of the 15 year rule in Canada and the 25 year rule here in the U.S. Can you buy a Skyline here in the U.S.? Absolutely, but let me know how registering it legally goes :wink:

That’s why it’s important to know that if it’s “STATE-legal” or claimed to be, that does not mean it’s Federal-legal.

prove it.
Show me DOT and EPA certificates.
SO when I do register it, It doesn’t get fucking taken.
Without those (among other things) - No import.

And the ones motorex did bring in, Last I recall, when they pop up being registered are being scrutinized / seized.
Hey, maybe they have their shit straight now but honestly, If the paper work exists…

and since when do people register race cars.

In April 2006, the D.O.T. sent bond releases to owners who had imported their cars through Motorex. This would enable the Skyline owners to register their cars at the DW. Some of those Skylines that received bond releases were modified by Motorex to comply with U.S. standards. Some were not. According to Morris, no Skylines (R32, R33, R34) have been imported from Japan since Motorex shut down

So. Unless you have one of the few with said bond release. Not a chance.


And without this bond…Car is seized. No show car. No race car. No car.

Where they sold there new…? Also thought they were in cananda at one point.

i thought some r33’s got in as registered, but u can no longer register skylines

save yourself the trouble and buy a kia.

Lemme see what I can come up with.

Um, isn’t all the motorex stuff thrown out now because of all the shit they got into? Last I heard all of those cars were starting to be seized


Import eligibility decisions are made on a make, model, and model year basis. NHTSA has determined that the R33 Model Nissan GTS and GTR (“Skyline”) passenger cars manufactured between January 1, 1996 and June 30, 1998 are eligible for importation and has assigned vehicle eligibility number VCP-32 to those vehicles.

If you’re serious on importing one…good luck, it’s a pain in the ass process.

It also has to be modified for OBDII.

okay. he only has 7k to spend, someone offered tosell their car for 5000, and he said “sorry, but i can only give you 3700” this guy isnt going to be getting a fucking skyline, or importing an s15 or anything else from japan. who cares

They crash tested 1996-1998 Skyline GTR’s, and applied those crash test results to ALL OTHER GTR’s. That doesn’t work in the governments book lol.

Some of the ones which were imported using the R33 GTR’s crash test results are being seized, but it’s a ‘here and there’ type of thing, it’s not a top priority.

Why is it a priority at all? Why can’t I as a reasonable human sign away my rights of the government protecting me from myself? If I want to ride a death trap that should be my choice. ughh

ok this thread kinda sucks… no one is actually going to be doing this, so its pointless, and its getting locked

If you’re to stupid to read the NHTA, EPA, and NYS DMV guidelines and cross reference them with the appropriate forms from customs, and exploit one of several loopholes to get a car in (and not get caught), all while spending between $25-$80k… Then you posted in this thread asking how to get a TYTE JDM CAR IN NYS!


LOL no one is more better at grammar around her.