JDM Cluster

Ok so i serched and didn’t find anything that helps me.

i have a 92 240 W Red top Sr20 swapped in and i still have the stock USDM cluster in it. If i were to get a JDM SR20 Cluster Would the tach be accurate?

I don’t NEED the tach to read (K since im never up there but it would be kinda cool Just want it to be Cool and Accurate…not Cool and a peice of shit

Thanks for any help


JDM Tach Not Working

Thanks for that…dosen’t tell me anything i want to know if it will be accurate. that post is about how he went to autodream and spent $60 to get his working.

will the Tach be accutate or not?


As accurate as stock can be. I used a 92 240 cluster myself.