Jellies walmart. [split]

We need to get you shitfaced again… your a riot, a laugh riot.

Im totally sober right now, havent had a beer since last Friday night. Got pretty shitfaced then but nothing like the BWW night. I dont get that drunk very often but its always a good time when I do.

Well… getting you that drunk again is on my list of things to do in 2012

Im sure Ill get that drunk a few times. I did it atleast twice this year. In Worcester, MA during the car show I was hammered and then fell asleep on the grass in the middle of the city and woke up after an hour or so and walked a few miles back to camp.

^being there when he is just went on my list

Finding ways to have you not be there just went on my list.

wow. the hell did i do?

you fucked my dog. In the butt.

do you even have a dog?

You sick fuck.


yes I do and now he has anal seepage because of you

You disgust me special tard

:rofl :rofl

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Murrdog9000 again.

It’s christmas and I’m giving everyone rep. THAT’S NOT FUCKING ABUSE BTW, IT’S A GOD DAMNED GIFT.

You negger

Toomuch rep in 24 hours… :rofl


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Murrdog9000 again.

finding ways to have you make a few more “waahhh let me back in to shift” threads is on my list

Haha you on my Dick now too?