Jersey > upstate

Grow up. Stop being such an ignorant redneck like any gay, black, hispanic, etc… person has done something wrong to you. This isn’t 1930, Paul.

NJ isnt that bad, I’ll be going there this weekend.

its called dirty jerz for a reason lol

Guido girlz.

I’ve had both great experiences with Jersey and bad. Wildwood FTMFW!!! Anyone rockin an NJ plate FTMFL.

Other than that, its kinda the same as NY, there is nice country side etc. Yea there’s some shit holes, but come on guys we have Amsterico, Buffalo (land of depressed retards), etc. Actually MOST of Western NY is a complete pile of shit. Yes I’ve been there. Do you know that Buffalo (and it’s county w/e it is) is home to THE MOST mental retardation facilities out of any of NYs counties. SHITHOLE. Lets not be dumb about the rest of our country in general. It’s all breath taking, and it all has its ups and downs.

I love Wildwood. We should plan a trip next year.

me too man. me and wifey go every year (except this year, fucking CPA exams!) with her fam.

We are definitely IN.

I’ve rented a house before in Long Beach Island in NJ, that was awesome too… Never been to Wildwood but my buddies who went to HS in Joisey have some great great stories about that place. I always assumed it was more of a HS hangout- or are there places for rent that aren’t completely destroyed?

We go every year as well. Dirty Jersey FTW.

Lets plan for next year.

I have spent extensive time in jersey.

Their road system is designed by crackheads, and their city planners could plan their way out of a lunch menu

Wow, talk about a “smartest retard” argument. Both places suck, who cares which sucks more?


they only suck because of billboards with a certain someones ugly mug on them everywhere. :rofl

Anthony Gucciardo will not apologize for that.

+1…there are some really nice spots. I lived about 4 miles north of the jersey border for my summer internship the last 3 years. A lot of the job sites were in jersey… Some nice spots but mostly garbage cities full of douchbaggerie.

But the women are HOTTT…but with really bad attitudes in my experience.:Idiots


What happened here? :rofl


theres alot more to jersey than I287 and I95. everyone associates jersey with what they see there.

head away from the costal area, and go inland its alot of woodsy and farms.

this is just like the typical arguement about Washington “it rains all the time there”

fail. go there and find out for yourself. it rains more in upstate than in seattle.

Quoted until I can find a farmers’ almanac.

