Jersey > upstate

negative. i lived out there for 5 years bud. the entire summer here when it was raining, it was upper 70s, mid 80s and sunny in seattle.

major difference is when in NY(or most of the northeast for that matter) gets multiple feet of snow in the winter, they get low 40s, upper 30s and rain, unless of course youre on the mountains out there, then you will see massive amounts of snow.

Well I dont want to be anywhere where theres a huge population of sodomists around.

I plan on keeping my anal virginity.

Fags disgust me.

Albany Weather
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Avg. Precip. 2.4 in 2.3 in 2.9 in 3.0 in 3.4 in 3.6 in 3.3 in 3.5 in 3.0 in 2.8 in 3.3 in 2.9 in

Seattle Weather
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Avg. Precip. 5.4 in 4.0 in 3.5 in 2.3 in 1.7 in 1.5 in 0.8 in 1.1 in 1.9 in 3.3 in 5.8 in 5.9 in

36.4 to 37.2". BAM!

damn only an inch difference?

that’s like, one good rainfall different.

thanks ben franklin

You act like a gay guy would actually fuck you. Considering most straight women won’t, I don’t think many gay guys would either.

LOL! I was going to reply to PJB’s post, but I can’t top this. :rofl :rofl + rep

Well Im surely hoping a guy wont find me fuckable. Exit only for life.

I find you very fuckable, Paul. You have a PM, cutie-pie.

Im really starting to wonder about you. Youve been posting very gay like lately.

Nah I’m not gay for everybody, just you Paul. I wanna get in your pants.

Well in that case I want to beat you with a claw hammer.

If that means fuck me in the ass until I bleed then I’m all for it

Paul isn’t finding your humor right now, Kramer.

No, it means a beating with a claw hammer, not fucking you in the ass.

Paul refers to his penis as a claw hammer.

Which in turn means that his dick is split at the end.

Which means Paul has had a dick piercing that got infected.

Which means he had anal sex while it wasn’t yet fully healed.

Which, by reason of no woman possibly ever wanting anything sexually to do with him, means it was a dude he fucked in the ass.

Which means he’s gay.

Breakthrough moment PJB, it’s your time to come out.

Thats a lie

He’s gon’ get you Kramer, with his meat hammer or whatever it is

Theres a party in kramers pants, Pauls inviteddd.

Okay Paul just make sure you put a condom (or two??) on your cockhammer and we’ll be good to go.