Jesus Debate

Last year on my way back to work from lunch there was this old couple who’s car broke down right in the middle of N. Forest. The guy is standing there next to it with that clear look of, “I have no idea what to do, someone help me”, and car after car just drove right by. I swung a u-turn, parked my big ass truck so it blocked all traffic, and got out and pushed the guys car into a nearby parking lot.

Part of the reason I blocked traffic was to prevent some asshat from slamming into me, crushing me against the car I was pushing, and securing my death in one of those terribly ironic offbeat news articles on The other part was I was pissed at my fellow man and figured if they couldn’t take 2 seconds to help someone out they were at least going to lose those couple of minutes waiting in line.

I can count the number of times I’ve been to church on my fingers, and all of them have involved weddings or baptismals I was dragged to. Even so, with my great dislike of organized religion, even I can’t argue that if more people were “churchies” that someone probably would have stopped to help that old guy long before I got there.