Jesus Debate





fucking roffle.


As I tell all my friends, family, peers. My relationship between me and God is exactly that, between me and God. Its pretty apparent we’re all fucked up and no matter how much church/activities/helping poor people we do will NOT change who and what we are. I call myself christen and that’s that, I find it stupid that both Catholics and protestants believe in the same God but find the right to bash each other, undermining the entire point of Christianity. From what I’ve experienced no matter what your forgiven, and that if you do have faith, things will work out for a reason.

What gets me the most is when people say “I’ll pray for you” as if they actually do or will. In the Butch’s daughters thread there is 3 pages of people saying they will pray for her when they will jump into this thread and bash God. I think that’s the ultimate form of disrespect to both God and the people you wish to pretend you helping.

Stick with what you believe and know things will work out in the end.


I’m not bashing God. I’m bashing The Bible because it is utter junk.


I’m not bashing God. I’m bashing The Bible because it is utter junk.


Yes, teaching people to be kind to one another and be decent human beings is nothing but bullshit :bloated:.


Yes, teaching people to be kind to one another and be decent human beings is nothing but bullshit :bloated:.


so who are you on this planet to serve?

make other people happy, at your own expense and be miserable… the hell with that I’m all for myself.


Yes, teaching people to be kind to one another and be decent human beings is nothing but bullshit :bloated:.


Oh, because that’s what it does…


Yes, teaching people to be kind to one another and be decent human beings is nothing but bullshit :bloated:.


While I understand what your saying, remember that there have been a large number of people that historically have used the Bible as a justification to hurt and oppress people. AKA: Gays and even slavery.

I was at work today so I didnt have time to keep up, all I will say is that I feel bad for people that dont believe in a higher being or that there is something special that happens after death.

Do I commit sins of course, intentinally, not all the time. It is impossbile to live a life with out sins. I hope that when I get to the pearly gates, God will forgive me for the sins I have committed.


I was at work today so I didnt have time to keep up, all I will say is that I feel bad for people that dont believe in a higher being or that there is something special that happens after death. .


why do you feel bad?

I’m an atheist, I can’t see there being anything beyond this life. We’re here by probability. I also feel that there is a reason for everything that happens. there is nothing mystical or magical. I believe in evolution, not intelligent design. And i also feel that religious fanatics are morons, who are weak looking for acceptance, and reasons for the unknown.


Because Christianity teaches people that they aren’t compassionate unless they tell everybody on the face of the earth that they are worse off than them in the words, “I feel bad for ________.”

Presumably Christians aren’t saved until they put themselves above other people.




for someone as smart as you I would expect more:smash2:

I believe in God and Jesus Christ and that when I die and get to the pearly gates that I will be forgiven for the sins I have committed and let into the place of all places. Like said before whats the harm in believing in something even if at the end of your life there is no heaven or God, who cares you still were able to live a life that was good to others, gave to others and lived a life in which you strived for the best you could possibly be.






for someone as smart as you I would expect more:smash2:

I believe in God and Jesus Christ and that when I die and get to the pearly gates that I will be forgiven for the sins I have committed and let into the place of all places. Like said before whats the harm in believing in something even if at the end of your life there is no heaven or God, who cares you still were able to live a life that was good to others, gave to others and lived a life in which you strived for the best you could possibly be.


so why not kill yourself now and go to the “place of all places”


the hell with that I’m all for myself.


And that’s the attitude of most gen Y’ers… and it’s a major reason the country is as fucked up as it is.

I’m a very non-religious person, but I think the country would be a lot better off if more people were scared of the invisible man in the sky like they used to be. Far too few parents teach their kids respect, or to think about anything about their own wants. Religion helped teach these kids about respect when they weren’t getting that teaching at home.


And that’s the attitude of most gen Y’ers… and it’s a major reason the country is as fucked up as it is.

I’m a very non-religious person, but I think the country would be a lot better off if more people were scared of the invisible man in the sky like they used to be. Far too few parents teach their kids respect, or to think about anything about their own wants. Religion helped teach these kids about respect when they weren’t getting that teaching at home.


Oh believe me, i have Tons of respect for people, and life. I respect what my parents have done for me, and i wish i could repay them for that.

but when it comes down to it. If i need 100 bucks for a phone bill and so does a friend, I’m paying my phone bill. Or If it comes down to a friend needing a kidney, and there is a good chance of a complication, with myself, I’d have to decline.

By no means will I destroy my life for someone else.

But I do agree with you there are lots of assholes out there now… as simple as jsut holding the door for someone else. Or today for instance

===[LIDS]==[S&S]==[pop machine]======

lady has her tray infront of the S&S pump and she is getting pop, sees me with 3 cups waiting for it. continues to take her merry sweet fucking time to get pop, roughly 2-3 minutes of deciding what she wants. instead of just moving her tray over… I’m not gonna reach over someones food so i waited for her… then, she leaves the tray there, and gets lids one by one for 2 drinks and decides if she wants a straw or just wants to drink with out…

So after 5 minutes of me waiting behind me, she goes “what are you looking at”

I kept my mouth shut, cause there was kids floating around.

But that was ridiculous i couldn’t believe how this lady couldn’t just slide her tray away from the S&S pump thing, then later on as she walks out pushes the door open enough for her self and pretty much slams into this old lady.

suicide is a sin durrrrrrrrrrrr


Far too few parents teach their kids respect, or to think about anything other then their own wants. Religion helped teach these kids about respect when they weren’t getting that teaching at home.


Word, dawg.

JEG, You’ve long been on my IL list, but someone quoted this… and, i hate to say it, but :word: Your statement is a rough summarization of the state of “religious” people in todays society.


And that’s the attitude of most gen Y’ers… and it’s a major reason the country is as fucked up as it is.

I’m a very non-religious person, but I think the country would be a lot better off if more people were scared of the invisible man in the sky like they used to be. Far too few parents teach their kids respect, or to think about anything about their own wants. Religion helped teach these kids about respect when they weren’t getting that teaching at home.


:word: that is the point I was trying to make. Yes people have done some horrid things in the name of the Bible, the Koran and every other major religion. But it is the teachings of being kind and decent toward your fellow man that must be understood and taken in. People have no respect anymore. This is a “do what you feel like” society and it is crumbling because of it. People do what makes them FEEL good, not what they SHOULD do. So maybe it will take 2 mins of your day to help an elderly woman with her groceries at the store, maybe it takes a tiny bit of effort to hold your tongue and not bash somebody even though they are being an asshole. People need to learn respect and compassion for others, instead of only focusing all their energy in word.


Word, dawg.JEG, You’ve long been on my IL list, but someone quoted this… and, i hate to say it, but :word: Your statement is a rough summarization of the state of “religious” people in todays society.


This is one of the reasons I no longer go to church. I got sick of the hypocrisy between what they preach and how they act. I am not saying all church communities are this way, but many of them are, and they should not be. Like I said, even if you do not believe in God or any of that, you can still generally appreciate the values and morals that it he Bible is trying to get across. Mainly being tolerant/ non judgmental of others and helping your fellow man when you are in an able position to do so. These are some of the key values that the Christian community has strayed from and why they are looked down upon with such disdain.

Last year on my way back to work from lunch there was this old couple who’s car broke down right in the middle of N. Forest. The guy is standing there next to it with that clear look of, “I have no idea what to do, someone help me”, and car after car just drove right by. I swung a u-turn, parked my big ass truck so it blocked all traffic, and got out and pushed the guys car into a nearby parking lot.

Part of the reason I blocked traffic was to prevent some asshat from slamming into me, crushing me against the car I was pushing, and securing my death in one of those terribly ironic offbeat news articles on The other part was I was pissed at my fellow man and figured if they couldn’t take 2 seconds to help someone out they were at least going to lose those couple of minutes waiting in line.

I can count the number of times I’ve been to church on my fingers, and all of them have involved weddings or baptismals I was dragged to. Even so, with my great dislike of organized religion, even I can’t argue that if more people were “churchies” that someone probably would have stopped to help that old guy long before I got there.