Jesus Debate

If you are Saved then…

Know that Jesus died for our sins -> Ask him into your heart -> Repent/ Confess sin -> have a relationship with God/Jesus (that means actually read your bible and pray). You should know that you’re saved not hope, if there is doubt then make more of an effort. Im not saying if youre not a perfect person you wont go to heaven(we’re all sinners); but if you say you are saved and you have no relationship with God then at Judgement after you die Jesus will say that he never knew you and you will go to Hell. Taking comunion and being baptized wont save you, they are acts of obedience. People think that if Jesus/God is so forgiving then nobody should go to hell but the kicker about Free Will is that you have to ask for forgiveness.

Im not trying to push my religion on anyone Im just stating what the Bible says. Don’t ask for versus because Im no Pastor, if you’re that intrested go to Church. I use to claim that I was a Christian but I never practiced it and I thought “Churchies” were judgemental weirdos. I thought I could believe whatever I wanted but I was really just ignorant. My life was full of negativity and selfishness before I came to Christ. Since then I have had nothing but Positiveness. People that have faith are not all idiots that think they are better than everyone else, the majority are very intelligent, warm, and forgiving people. I sin in some way daily but all I can do as a human being is try to better myself, as long as I make the effort then Im moving in the right direction.

Believe what you want but don’t bash someone for their faith. When you do that you’re just as bad as those people running around with “God hates Fags” signs that you think are idiots. If you think I’m a Jesus freak then ignore my post, Im just trying to shed some light on what being a Christian is really about. This post is for believers and non, take it or leave it.