Jesus Debate


And that’s the attitude of most gen Y’ers… and it’s a major reason the country is as fucked up as it is.

I’m a very non-religious person, but I think the country would be a lot better off if more people were scared of the invisible man in the sky like they used to be. Far too few parents teach their kids respect, or to think about anything about their own wants. Religion helped teach these kids about respect when they weren’t getting that teaching at home.


Oh believe me, i have Tons of respect for people, and life. I respect what my parents have done for me, and i wish i could repay them for that.

but when it comes down to it. If i need 100 bucks for a phone bill and so does a friend, I’m paying my phone bill. Or If it comes down to a friend needing a kidney, and there is a good chance of a complication, with myself, I’d have to decline.

By no means will I destroy my life for someone else.

But I do agree with you there are lots of assholes out there now… as simple as jsut holding the door for someone else. Or today for instance

===[LIDS]==[S&S]==[pop machine]======

lady has her tray infront of the S&S pump and she is getting pop, sees me with 3 cups waiting for it. continues to take her merry sweet fucking time to get pop, roughly 2-3 minutes of deciding what she wants. instead of just moving her tray over… I’m not gonna reach over someones food so i waited for her… then, she leaves the tray there, and gets lids one by one for 2 drinks and decides if she wants a straw or just wants to drink with out…

So after 5 minutes of me waiting behind me, she goes “what are you looking at”

I kept my mouth shut, cause there was kids floating around.

But that was ridiculous i couldn’t believe how this lady couldn’t just slide her tray away from the S&S pump thing, then later on as she walks out pushes the door open enough for her self and pretty much slams into this old lady.