JGTC and D1 on SPEED this sunday

thiks sunday (March 6) speed will be airing a show called inside GT live which is about the JGTC/D1 event that happened in december last year, bad news its just an hour but its better than nothing
heres the link to all the times it will air, enjoy

that’s it?? a hr for 4 full events… americans… how insular can you get… I guess becuse they don’t ‘easy left’ 4000 times in one race it’s not real racing…

Hey guys.

Well I just checked it and I must say, other then the commentary, it was pretty good.

Dam those JGTC cars were sweet. I loved how a lot of them don’t have rearview mirrors and instead used a video camera and small screen. Sweet idea.

I wanted to see more drifting but as it was the “main” event of course they only showed a few highlights. That Pontiac GTO was’nt half bad. IIRC though there abandoning the project for next year. If what I read in a magazine was right.

So overall, not a bad hour of tv.

What’s your thoughts?

Take care.

Easy 8)

Because they televise nascar frequently in Japan right?

I’m not disagreeing with you; I’m not a nascar fan by any means. But you have to realize the demographic speed tv is going for.

commentary sucked, and that guy is a fag. also i think i’ve seen enough race queens If i want to see girls ill watch porn. Its speed tv not sluts tv god dammit. One of my pet peeves is fags that go to these events for the women only. Honestly go to the rippers you poser!

and what demo is that?? as far as Nascar is concerened it’s everyone? yet races are only run over a period of a 2-3 days… Speed has it everyday… even in off season. so what kind of demographic is that? because they sure aren’t gaining any more viewers by continuing to narrow their focus and they don’t even show the races on Speed.

They use to show the 24 daytona, they had tonnes of viewers and rave reviews. But they got rid of that, They used to show the Full lemans… got rid of that, they used to show a full RALLY 5 day coverage 5hrs over 5 days…now it’s 1.5hrs on one day… they show a few high lights packed into a few hrs or s0… that’s it… Speed is a joke now… I don’t know anyone who watches it now… 3-4 years ago when they had BTCC/ ATCC/ ETCC/ DTM and even JGTC then everyone watched it and talked about it. Now as fillers in the off season… they show CASCAR!..

ah well this GT show was as i expected, little REAL substance, a highlight reel of events… not even worth watching I get better info and coverage from 1/2 translating my Option 2 mags.

it was great…

being there i mean, not watching it on TV…

you’re an asshole.

I wanted to be there just to fondle the RE rx7 20b… hmm…

I thought the same thing.

Bing, I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to have been there. Would have been sweet sweet music to the ears that’s for sure.

So when is JGTC coming to Mosport? 8)

I doubt Speed execs came in one day said, “Our programming is awesome, lets cut it and lose some money!”.

Obviously they’re catering to the demographic that brings in the most cash. This demographic being those that watch Nascar, Cascar, and all that other bullshit while not being to stand anything foreign.

Everyone in your group may have liked Speed better in the past, but then again, I bet your group of people doesn’t consist of a total of 6 teeth and a few worn trucker hats. Point of the matter is, the majority of viewers would rather see a V8 churn out lap after boring oval lap then see a real race.

the JGTC was good, but i dont really follow that stuff.

i watched it for a bit, managed to catch a couple accidents on camera.

we actually left during the JGTC for a bit to grab a bite to eat then went go karting a few times.

when we came back it was still going on.

yes the sound was amazing, and you were able to get up nice and close to the cars