Jiffy Lube Scam!


I think I remember watching this on TV when it aired. I love this kind of shit. Just
goes to show you, every mechanic is a crook. :o

The best part is it’s not really a scam, it’s just lazy ass good-for-nothing workers.

Once those charges go into the computer, the mechanic doesn’t get the money.

Well, at a place like Jiffy Lube, you’d get a commission of some kind on upselling package deals. My wife used to work for a Mr. Lube. If she got a customer to choose synthetic oil over regular ass oil, she got rewarded. I think it was every two weeks, they checked who sold the most upgrades, and they got cash or swag.

If it was a crooked mechanic, he wouldn’t have put it on the receipt.

But these are just incompetent lazy fuckers, not some organized crime ring.

They just couldn’t be bothered to do the work.

If he didn’t put it on the receipt then how would he charge the customer??

The biggest scam isn’t not doing the work cause that’s to easy to check, it’s charging more time then it takes. If changing brake lines takes 2 hours, we charge like 3.5-4, if changing a light bulb takes 5 minutes, we charge 20, shit like that.

this is why i do all my work myself.

Well, there would have to be no receipt, or a very stupid customer.

But what I mean is, these lackeys, they make minimum wage. Whether they do the work or not isn’t going to affect how much they make.

Ripping off a customer by not doing the work they paid for would profit Jiffy Lube, but not the mechanic. This is why I’m saying it’s not a scam, it’s just plain lazy. These guys don’t have supervisors, no one actually watches them do the work. People are in and out in 15 minutes.

Most of them have absolutely no training either.

It’s easy to blame Jiffy Lube, but a huge portion of the responsibility lies with the owner of the car.

Just like when you go through the drive thru, you gotta make sure what’s in the bag is what you really ordered.

Heh … well, ‘book rate’ is supposed to protect the customer, but it doesn’t, not all the time.

When you are charged by a shop, you are charged by how long the repair ‘should’ have taken, and then they factor in things like how much it cost them to train the technician, the supplies they used, etc.

Like, say a steering rack on a new VW. Book rate is I think 10 hours. If it’s the 500th one you’ve done, and you got it down to a science where it only takes 5 hours, you’re still credited as having done 10 hours of work. That’s why many mechanics ‘bank’ their hours.

By the same token, if the repair takes 15 hours, you’re still only supposed to be charged 10. But they all have ways around it, unforseen this, you failed to mention that, etc.

Hell, the law states that you can’t go more than 10% over a written estimate without consulting the owner, and getting them to sign for the new amount.

How often is that actually enforced?

i used to work at jiffylube last year. . i , personally , would never be that tight , i have seen stuff like that before from other workers tho . .