Jiggsy Built ..

Jiggsy Joke

yea true , I am a ratard for trusting the kid.

dAmn, i hope he didnt mess up the brakes on my sierra :frowning:

well that being said man dont be too hard on yourself its hard to turn down free labor. with the winter months coming up get ahold of me and we will get your car straightened out. you have my number


fuck this car thing… Im gettin into helicopters

turn your car into one

way to be behind the curve kevin…

heres my latest project.

fuck that shit


my shit will be hekka modded

that thing looks sketchy as fuck. Like flying patio furniture

Sucks Duke! Thats why I do all my work myself, Id rather learn and take my time doing it right than to pay someone to do it twice!

there’s no need for a “kramer response.”


OP is obviously a moron for letting that kid work on his car.

anyone who can’t spell tensioner should not be replacing one.

same goes for ‘camshaft’.

you’re a dumbass bro, shoulda manned the fuck up and diy’d that shit.

and wtf? you let some random choad with a dremel PORT YOUR FUCKING HEAD.


i cant spell , but im 100% sure i know a whole lot more about cars than most on here do

I sheered my key and loosened the bolt when I hit boost cut before I was fully tuned. :lol

Nah man Jiggsy is way dumber than you, you’re not being factored in this case because you’re special…Jiggsy is “special”.

you’re special like superman.

jiggsy is special like:


these bolts dont usually loosen on there own . but like said before ya get what ya pay for , i dont see why everyone is gettin on jiggsy esp when ya have em work on your shit for food . grow a set and do it yourself as your into the wrong hobby if your scared to do it yourself .

i fuckin love u man :thumbup + rep


Its not about "manning up ". I did not feel comfortable doing it and he told me he knew what he was doing so I let him . I have done many things myself on my cars. But I rather not touch that shit.