Job Listings

as cheesy as it may seem, there’s no reason not to try if you’re having a hard time finding a job.

i posted my resume there and had 2 interview offers within 24 hours of posting.

you can also search and find stuff yourself instead of waiting for them to call. i got 2 more interviews this way.

AND you can set preferences and get an automatic daily e-mail listing new jobs that fit your preferences.

temp agencies are good too though. my buddy has been at his company for over a year now, and he started there through a temp agency. he got hired on as an actual company employee on monday, so temp jobs can definitely lead somewhere.

good luck with your search!

Yupe thats how I got my job where I am Today. How ever the TEMP AGENCY was the company that I worked for as well. Yay for TD.

^Naw, its not cheesy at all. But i’ve tried it all (so far) and have gotten no luck. I keep getting random email’s from monster for things like “womens fashion store manager” , “Lead engineering contractor”, etc. Waaay out of my preferences. But hopefully I’ll get a call from an agency, dealership, or anything else I applied to today lol.

Also Dave, if you could fax my resume out for me, that would help me alot. I think my copy is still saved on your PC. Just let me know via txt.

Will do, I’ll try to get it out for you in the early morning tomorrow.

Thanks a shit ton, son :wink:

print out a brick of resumes and go apply at places you are qualified to work.

visit them first… if you dont like what you see, dont apply.

the recession is bullshit.

if you are worth hiring you’ll get hired. If you cant bring any value then you dont deserve a job… simple as that.

if you go unemployed longterm then get a hair cut, take a shower and go to starbucks and serve coffee until you find something better…

every tim hortons on the planet is hiring… there are a hundred thousand jobs within 50 square miles of you.

^That’s true, I just wonder how low I would go for work.

Just the thought of starbucks makes me cringe.

work the streets then. Ridgeway and your street dude. It’s easy. I have to send your resume out tomorrow though didn’t have time to today at work. To busy.

meh… to be totally honest, if it came down to it, i would do it just to keep sharp… and i’m sure i’d find a way to enjoy it.

working jobs like that is good for you if you cant find decent work because when you finally do find decent work you’ll know what it’s like NOT to have decent work.

i see alot of guys my age and a bit younger that seem to be spoiled and run from a good job when it requires some sacrifice.

i had considered the cut & run with my current job once or twice when things got shitty… but i sacrificed and was rewarded huge.

and trust me, i know what it’s like to do shit work…

I could try to get you into the bank. But no promises and it all depends on YOU.

i can vouch for this man, he has had some pretty poopy jobs, look where he is now,… Bing … Almost bigger then Jesus… just not as manly LOL

Bing, I understand almost everything your saying. I think it’s today’s society that’s messed up my generation. Where, if you work at mickey D’s, flippin dem’ burgers, it’s not cool. And in all honesty, it isin’t, but work is work, and it beats having none and being poor. It’s just that I’m probably afraid of making that social sacrifice and working ANYWHERE for some coin… even starbucks… ergg. More then half of my life, I’ve been working at some type of shitty job or another. Not complaining, I’m actually really greatfull for going through them, and learning. Made me a better worker and harder working person all around. But yea, I guess it’s just like what Rogue Sergeant said “its all about YOU”.

Gotta get on my grind if I ever want to see my car outside of my garage.:/:

So, I ended up getting a phone call from a dealership today for an interview.

Apparently, they pulled my resume from

So yea, I went in, had a chat, and got the placement.

I would not of been able to get ahold of such a job if it were not for the amazing people of SON.

T.I.A everyone!