Great story first off Ilya.

Exactly my prior point. The younger crowd has a very poor work ethic, and low standards. Case and point, this kid just wanted ass, and didn’t think about doing his job. The tail he got in the office were probably, just as dumpy of an employee I bet. Like you said if you work hard, you WILL get what you deserve.

Yup. Which is why I came up with this idea. When I own a company some day, I will have a policy that states: If you think you can do my job better, go for it. The idea is this, I will allow anyone from the janitor to the CIO to attempt to do someone else’s job in my company for a week. If they can carry the weight and actually do it better than the person already in that position, I will pay them the weekly wage that other person makes. While the person in question gets docked down to what the other guy makes for the week. This idea does MANY things. It more or less keeps everyone honest in my organization. You can’t kick your feet up on the desk and sleep all day if you’re in some nice cushy office position. You cant just skate through an interview and get into a position, and not have a fucking clue how to do the work. Which make me have to fire and rehire, which wastes money and time. It also builds competition, and makes people step up their game. New ideas will be introduced, and your business will improve. How many times do you feel like you have a great idea or a fix to a problem but cant get a voice in the situation because of your low end position?