What is ironic is that the Republican party was primarily founded on the principals of the “Abolitionist” movement (anti-slavery for those who didn’t pay attention in history class). Democrats hated the Republicans for this position. Before 1948 southern Democrats saw their party as the defender of the southern way of life which included racial segregation.
When segregation was outlawed by court order and by the Civil Rights acts of 1964 and 1965, die-hard DEMOCRAT governors Orval Faubus of Arkansas, Lester Maddox of Georgia, and George Wallace of Alabama openly resisted integration to the point that the National Guard had to be called in!
Just some historical facts, but who cares about facts or history…
You and I both know that the parties are nowhere near their historical platforms.
Lincoln Chafee, former senator from RI, and his predecessor (his father) were old school Republicans. The current Republican party is the party of Goldwater Conservatism.
And to Cutty, people who are half black still identify as black because that is how American society has dictated it for HUNDREDS of years.
I love the argument some ignorant people make about “only the bad ones are niggers”. Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds? If a white guy smokes crack and steals your car, he’s a piece of shit or a scumbag, but if a black guy does it he’s a nigger? That’s EXACTLY what Jack Murtha is talking about.
Pagans aren’t really a hate group. They are a MC first and foremost.
Anyways, I’m in homes day in and day out and it absolutely amazes me the number of people that use racial slurs in front of me. They don’t know who I am, who I live with, who I date, etc… but are more than willing to toss out the N word just because they assume since I’m white I must be racist too.
I’d agree that there are a lot of people that are older, say, over the age of 40, that are still extremely racist.
who’s dictating it? people can do whatever they want to do. its benifits them to side with blacks so they can use the race card. barry obama chooses to say he’s black because it benifits him. He’s the worst type of black… using the dumb ignorant blacks to advance himself with no plans to help them in anyway.
a piece of shit is a piece of shit… theres just a name for it when it comes to blacks. the people that are offended by words are the ones that give it power. jack murtha is talking about blind racism “all blacks are niggers because they are black”
put yourself in the shoes of a 70yr old lady that likes to go to downtown on a PAT bus. welfare collecting pieces of fuck on the bus with their 20 kids not offering a seat to ur tired ass, gangbangers with no regard to show courtesy to an old lady. a majority of urban blacks in pittburgh do nothing to help the cause and only further peoples dislike of them.
racial slurs… who gives a fuck about words… all the racial slurs get across the same message… you think someone is a piece of shit. if you replace every slur with POS does it really change anything?
because i dont look at the world from ur view my head is up my ass? sorry i see reality and not fantasy. Its all fine to speak ur tolerant bull shit until its in ur back yard… i’m sure u’d change your fairy tune real quick!
so correct me if im wrong?? your saying its ok to call someone the n word because ur tired and somene wont offer u a seat?that makes it perfectly ok? if so thats a horrible way of justifying y its ok to call someone the n word.
the word is NIGGER… grow some balls and dont be afraid to say it. its a word in the dictionary.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a. a black person.
b. a member of any dark-skinned people.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
dont act like you dont know what the fuck i’m talkin about. you know very well how the type of people i’m talkin about act in public. I was putting in the perspective of an older person in regards to Bravada 442’s comments. How do you think they view blacks when they ride the bus into town to do a lil shopping. I didnt live in the 50’s and 60’s to base it off of… i just know how they act in todays society. and older person has something to compare it to.
again people offended by a word are the ones that feed it power. If you dont add fuel to a fire, it will eventually burn itself out.
do you guys realize that murhta is johnstown area. 219/56/22/422 is speckled w/ businesses he brought to western pa for defense contracts.
Johnstown is also kkk territory. Hell, the guy who shot larry flynt and crippled him shot and killed a negro in johnstown! even further in history, blacks were lynched in j-town for taking white jobs during the 18 and 1900’s. especially after the civil war w/ the influx of southern migration.
Cited what? That black people overwhelmingly vote liberal? I got it from the book of common knowledge. You want me to cite where I got the answer for 2+2 as well? Lol.
I’m pretty sure he was involved in getting business for the place out near Lemont Furnace- Argon ST. One of the guys on here and also a former coworker of mine works there.
You said poor black people ALWAYS vote democrat, but that isn’t true where I’m currently at. I think you are confusing “common knowledge” with close minded…
You people make racism too big of a deal… and you’re white… wtf
I dont think western PA is all that racist at all. A lot of people crack black jokes or whatever but no one is truely racist. A true racist would say retarded comments to anyone they see that isn’t their ethnicity (I guess in this instance would be white)
I dunno, but I just don’t see that a lot around Pittsburgh… and hell i’m from Kittanning.
To hell with all you bastards…White ,Black, Asian, Half horse…whatever… If my people would have not been tricked by the white devils that invaded our great land .You would still be in europe…Where you belong!!
Now bring me some firewater I wanna play the slots
From what I have gathered, he has earmarked a bunch of bills to secure federal tax money for local defence contract companys. Right? I haven’t found anything that he has done to actually help that area flurish on its own. Its just being proped up with everyone elses money. There are ways to entice free market capitalistic businesses to that area and it would be alot stronger economy. He talks alot of shit and only looks good on the surface. Behind the mirrors is the a bunch of tax payers money funneled there instead of actually getting the area to flurish.