Journalism at its finest.

Prescription drugs found in drinking water across U.S.

To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose.

Parts per trillion?! And they’re reporting it as finding prescription drugs in the water?! I saw this on the news last night and wanted to choke the reporter for trying to make a story out of nothing.

I’d be willing to bet that what the study found was some sort of natural occurrence, yet they report it like Pfizer’s dumping viagara into our water supplies.


scare journalism. Old and stupid people believe it, their ratings go up.

yea i saw this on the front page @ and thought the same thing u did.

That would be so amazing.

And yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw it.

wow… I was wondering why I had a boner for the past 3 days…

People take pills. Their bodies absorb some of the medication, but the rest of it passes through and is flushed down the toilet. The wastewater is treated before it is discharged into reservoirs, rivers or lakes. Then, some of the water is cleansed again at drinking water treatment plants and piped to consumers. But most treatments do not remove all drug residue.

If thats the true process then that kind of scares me. It just seems like the pills and what not are finding their way into the healthy supply being sent to the people.

Also, what about throwing nerve damaging chemicals down toilets. Slowly destroying nervous systems and killing people 10 years later due to consistent exposure. Of course, I think if I had Sarin it would be an awfully waste to do this. But cheaper chemicals could cause some problems.

have to draw attention somehow…

But yea, I thought the same thing.

that reminds me…

A whole lot of things get flushed regularly. The drugs people ingest (from aspirin to blow) are not 100% absorbed by the body.

Lots of people eat meat and shit. Can vegetarians no longer drink tap water?

Even though CNN is making this into “news”, this isn’t a new concern / problem / fact.

I know of one local pharm company that will destroy some substances by rinsing it down a floor drain. Yes, its a method approved by whatever governing body, because apparently its fairly inert and super dilluted (beyond the point of possibly doing damage).

Friday evening I disposed of ~a qt each of CLR, por 15, PB blast, WD40 & naval jelly into your tap water, Fry. :fyi:

Well, if thats the case i’m gonna shove tons of pig blood down my drain just so the jews don’t stay kosher.

i rofled

No wonder my digestive tract is so clean and lubed up today. :crap:

^ or it coulda just been the mighty taco.

man, the power to condemn 100s of buffalonians to hell must get you aroused!

i would be more worried about the shit containing the drugs than the trace amounts of drugs themselves :frowning:

^Poo is pretty well managed by waste treatment facilities, and has been for a long long while.

i know, i just dont like to think about the fact that im having a treated version of 2 million girls (and guys) 1 cup

meh. if it don’t kill yah, it’ll make yah stronger. Think about all the anitbodies & immunities you’re developing!

Then again, by that logic, you’re apparently slowly building up an immunity to viagra. :cry:

I live with jews… I try to dekosher their food all the time…

Imagine what this could do to the already f’ed up legal system.
I can see the advertisements already.

“Poland Springs: 100% Valtrex Free”