July 7,8,9 NYSpeed Showcase @ Grand Prix of Toronto:

Guys, I need those that have sent in there reg forms to PM me so I know who has already reg’d and who hasn’t.

Oh, and check out the new webpage design :slight_smile:

Bah, I forgot to send mine in today via email. Was out working on the tune. I suppose I’ll send it right now maybe they’ll give me a break otherwise I’ll pay the “premium” for late reg. Shit.

Check your PMs


I sent mine in on friday, but i never recieved any kind of confirmation back.

I should be getting it tonight or tomorrow.

Sent mine in…


with the interior pic in shambles, hahaha. Hopefully I’ll have the new dash by the end of the week.

OK - This is who he has so far, if your name isn’t on this list YOU NEED TO PM ME with how you reg’d (mail, email, fax) so I can have him retreive it.

  1. Christian Newman
  2. Jason Bartosiewicz
  3. Josh Parr
  4. Aaron Savitsky
  5. Mike Deturk
  6. Denni Blablablaski

psh, way to spell my name wrong.

lol, that’s a cut-n-paste from what was emailed to me :slight_smile:

lol, Damn Alex. Everyone spells my name the OG way without the C. If you get the chance to correct him, it’s DeTurck, I know it’s correct on the app.

i recieved an acceptance e-mail yesterday. 5/23 at 1:06PM


i cannot wait for this

oh and josh…dustin did get back to me

i recieved my registration acceptance notification on friday. :tup:

oh shit. nigga’s number on on the list.


PM me details of the :snky:


This is what it looks like so far:

  1. Christian Newman
  2. Jason Bartosiewicz
  3. Josh Parr
  4. Aaron Savitsky
  5. Mike Deturk
  6. Denni Blablablaski
  7. Lafengas
  8. Poopra
  9. Ack
  10. Hybrid
  11. Hybrid

FYI: Get your hotels soon. I don’t plan on organizing anything beyond setting up the show right now. You guys can pick your own hotels based on what your budget is. We can sort through the after-party options when we get there.

I’ll be letting you guys know the drill for getting cars to the show on Friday morning. There will be cars going into the show Thursday night, but we should be fine getting cars there Friday morning. The only thing will be sorting out how to check into your hotel room after your car is in the show…

And Skunk, check PMs.

word and word

oh and i just got my Confirmation :tup:

just so you guys know, the GPT folk are loving you guys.

very professional and no BS registration, the head guy from GPT was complimenting you guys today

unlike SON, i havent had more than 1 guy register… and even that was a hassle.