July 7,8,9 NYSpeed Showcase @ Grand Prix of Toronto:

One last time people - I NEED TO KNOW WHO ISN’T ON THIS LIST This is the list of NYSpeed.com people that the event ppl have down.

… the ones with ??? I dunno you real names, and I’m sorry but I need you to post and confirm.

Christian Newman - REG’D
Jason Bartosiewicz - REG’D
Aaron Savitsky - REG’D / HOTEL
Arthur Chiang - ???
Bob Esseltine - ???

Josh Thiel - REG’D
Joshua Parr - REG’D / HOTEL
Margandre Lagace - ???
Matthew Uniac - ???
Mike Deturck - REG’D

I know we’re missing Spencer and Denni… who else?


We only have so much room and if I don’t get you a spot, there won’t be one for you by show time.

Where are you going for a hotel? I hadnt booked one yet, as the Rochester people who said they wanted to go up for the weekend havent gotten back to me.

yea i still need a hotel too…

n00b :slight_smile:

Aaagh, Josh don’t forget myself and Rost.

PM me your full names please so that I can check the reg-logs.


Talked to the guy today - everyone who has reg’d with NYSpeed is getting put together… FINALY.

Spencer is the only one kinda up in the air with the whole TRD thing.

One more thing guys - What color NYSpeed stickers do you want? (Black or White) I’m going to try and get some large, hood-sized, teporary stickers made up that we can throw on the cars just for the show.

white for me


white, but if i had to i could use black too it just wouldn’t stand out as much

Josh, I forgot, I’m going to be doing half of AKA Rally prior to this, so my car is going to be all sorts of stickered up, hope that’s not an issue. Give me a big NYSpeed decal and I’ll run it on the car for the driving to Indy, 2 days in Indy and 2 Days in DC i’m partcipipating in if you want.

I’d prefer black if we have to do stickers.

Also… I’m going to get a campsite near by…i like camping and saving money. If anybody else wants in on a campsite, let me know. It’s 5 miles away from toronto. The campsite is $26/night for up to 6 people per site.

hey josh have we figured out any of the driving details? like when are we leaving buffalo?

Nothing has been sent to anyone yet! I’ve got no instructions at all about where to go at what time. I HOPE they get me something soon…

well cause if you look at their “event schedule” for the weekend, it says that show is open at 9am everday. that mean we have to get there before 9am on friday?

I would guess, but like I said they haven’t sent us anything yet so I dunno… I’m going to email them again.


Sercurity is going to be TIGHT

So we can’t bring our cars into the show Friday morning - we have to bring the cars there Thursday night and set up then!!!

This might cause a problem for some… like those who only have hotel rooms for Friday and Sat nights…

I however have a room for thurs -> sat night and people can crash there I guess if you don’t mind a crowded floor…

Let me know who has a problem with this.

I’m still figuring out exact times, but I look to be leaving Buffalo after noon on Thursday and cruising up.

I didnt book a room so I’m just going to play it by ear, I’ll be coming up thursday though. I’d be in for cruising up as a group if anyone else is interested.

PM me your phone # real quick if you would…
