Just a friendly reminder (about Karma)

i like the idea of karma being totally public. like if someone leaves jack karma, then i can see who and why.

oh, wait… i can do that already.
f the rest of you :slight_smile:

^^^…oh eat shit…:stuck_out_tongue:

I too would like to see who leaves Karma. Then I would know who the assholes are and who the good people are. Its time for some accountability on the internet. People can just go around giving bad Karma annonymously which sucks. Conversely, if someone is going around giving good Karma then its a good thing to know.
Also, we should be able to see the level of Karma that a person has. Three dots doesn’t tell me much. A number would be nice. I am on a different forum that shows the dots as well as a number value. It also shows who gives you Karma in which direction. No one ever seems to get negative karma unless they are spammers.

lol @ zerodaze

dont worry jay, it says ur not the brightest crayon in the box…


when it comes to posting…

BuickGN is one of a kind. I see someone finally fixed the text for that level… :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this really a big deal?? I personally don’t look at little boxes and decide whether someone is worth listening too.

Oh… no, the function to see who gave YOU karma (good and bad) is available, but you can’t see who gave OTHER people’s karma.

Also, if someone has bad karma… their karma doesn’t count…

You need to have at like 5 karma, and 50 posts…

if you have anything less than, then when you give karma it does nothing.

Yes, I certainly needed some negative karma for this post



Yea, I went back and I think only 1 of my negative Karmas was legitimate and that was just because I was up to my usual schenanigans and hurt someones feelings.

I iwant to know who the homos are.


oh nm, not that kinda of homo

I think the whole karma system should only be used for technical/ auto related posts only, that way there is no question why you get hit positively or negatively, and it would take less moderation on a whole. Otherwise the karma system is garbage and should be scrapped. This whole karma for giving karma for stupidity is well… stupid and definitely not worth the hassle.

^^ verah good point

Unfortunately I do not know yet if you can limit karma giving to just particular forums…

Oh don’t I know it. But I have a feeling the person giving negative karma is more deserving of that distinction.

I didn’t read your post, you only have 1 green square.

now who the fuck gave me neg karma from this post, u pussies could have the balls to leave ur name at least


It may not be possible to limit it to the tech forums, but it would be VERY easy to moderate. Since this is an “automotive” forum, using karma for auto related stuff only would validate the purpose of the site.

do me a favor then howie…if u don’t wanna set it up where u can find out who sends u rep…tell me who sends this bullshit…cause this is exactly what i’m talking about…

Just a friendly reminde…
08-30-2005 02:33 PM
stop whoring

Just a friendly reminde… 08-30-2005 04:12 PM yanks will choke. . .again!
Just a friendly reminde… 08-30-2005 03:22 PM Negative Karma for you biotch.

uhhh yeah, stupid shit like this.

gee i wonder who the first one is from.