Just a friendly reminder (about Karma)

Can we trade our karma points in? Like…banning certain members.

lol now thats a good idea :slight_smile:


Not me, but I gave you one for the offensive avatar you have :mamoru:

Yes, all you have to do is click here

i got - karma for being ugly … i got multiple negs from the same user for the same post “Have another. Teach you to be quiet…” and i got a neg for pointing out that a picture was a photochop

i want to know whos giving me karma

well, u shouldent give neg karma for shit like that walter, lol



i thought karma was for topics and such, not avitars, if ur ugly, if u have a small cock, if ur shit is green, if ur fat, if ur bald, etc…

lol guess i was wrong

holy shit, I have 110 karma points, guess I should get to work.

225… and I hand out a lot of positive. I actually gave out a negative today for the first time. He is a prick.

I’ve given out nothing but good karma and now I have a red box with no bad rep points in my user cp. Go figure.

User CP only diplays recent karma

I didn’t take all your good karma away, just what z24C gave you.

And vice versa

sorry :blush:

Ahh ok…

prick or hero, make up your mind which one is it?

I think he was a fairgentleman. Take the POS I gave you the other day and they cancel out.

But your still a prick.

I am a prick, how is that? Because I make fun of people that lost everything they own in a Hurricane and call them lazy, or because I post videos of me throwing revs, or because I am a post whore. No, wait that is you.

Call me a prick all you want.

Give me all the negative or positive karma you want. I know who my friends are in the real world and could really care less how many green bars I have by my name, unlike yourself. I could care less if I have the highest post count, unlike yourself.

Oh nooooes I have a red square by my name. No body on this forum will be my friend. boo ho boo ho.

I never knew an automotvie forum could have such little affect on my automotive lifesytle, that is what this is SUPOSE to be right :lol:

Your the one handing out negative Karma… then not signing your name… were you afraid it would come back to you ?

If you think thats why I’m here, and why I was invited on multiple occasions I couldn’t care less if my post count remained 0 forever and that I had 10 red boxes. I don’t recall picking on any of the victims directly.

Please show us more progress pics of your car… oh wait… you don’t post pics of anything. Let alone on both forums… and countless others. Why did you post pics post whore? I’m sure all your real friends allready saw the car. They probably all signed it too…
Leave the drama to PMs. Or keep it in OT (other than anouncements)… this is not the place.

Yes I am, took you long enough to figure out.:lol: Oh noes, don’t give me bad karma back my life will be ruined.

I get people asking me all the time about it. I am not going to have them drive just to go look at it. It is much easier to say look at the thread. Trust me if I wanted to post whore it I could do it for every signifigant step of the process. But I don’t need the attention or could care less. I have had the car for about 4 months and made one post about it big whoopity-do.

Both forums, sure there are a few people that I know aren’t subsribed to both.

Countless others, what you can’t count to 1? SE-R cup guys don’t check local forum…der :bloated:

Did you forget that you called me a prick first? :roll2: If you don’t want drama don’t start it.

whiskey tango foxtrot is karma?