Just a heads up, xbox 360 live bans happening again

Hmm…a Liteon. My friend who got his drive flashed at the same time as me and has only played one game online for af ew weeks with a liteon got banned too. Same with the other friend I know, Liteon. Me with a BenQ, safe. Coincidence?

as of last night im safe. I have a hitachi tho, so who knows.

I really don’t think anyone is safe. You’re just lucky you haven’t been included in the ban wave yet. People with all different drives have been getting banned and new bans are still happening all the time.

I’m staying unplugged til flash with the new firmware. Hopefully that makes me safe.

lol, ive been banned before, no biggie, been paying monthly anyways for live, keep forgetting to get a card, so if i get banned its not like im losing any money like last time lol

I’m still on the original Ixtreme 1.3… I havnt played any of the new 3rd wave games. Would I even be able too? Would I get banned? I have the 1.5 update, wondering if I should update. What do you guys think?

If youre gonna update, wait for 1.7

Agreed, but I’d rather not just piss money away because I’m too impatient to wait a week or so for new firmware. I’m aware of the risks of playing a modded console, but right now it’s not a risk, it’s almost a guarantee. And it sounds like the solution is coming soon.

If you want to just keep playing and hoping you’ll be fine, :tup: for being stubborn I guess. :slight_smile:

yay…i was banned

I have 1.4 and cant play the 3rd wave games, wait for the new update

u were banned?

wow i thought u would of been the last person on here to be banned.

lol…ah well. i had a good run. what…2 years? not too bad. just gotta buy another one now. But i’ll wait til 1.7 to flash it.

Kevin will be banned soon.


The more I read on xboxscene.com the more clear it becomes that MS put some sort of firmware check in that last dashboard update. People are talking about hearing the drive spin up and go through some sort of test mode and they’re pretty much certain that’s when the console gets flagged.

not good.

ill be buying another xbox soon. i was gonna flash again, but was gonna wait til 1.7…but who knows if that will make any difference.

Sounds like the new firmware that’s coming will fix the hole in the current firmware that MS is using to ID these consoles. It’s a cat and mouse game that will continue until MS finally finds a way to stop people from modding consoles. MS thought they did this with the “unmoddable” liteon drive and we saw how well that worked out for them. Until MS takes a page from the DirecTV handbook and takes their security hardware development entirely in house there will always be ways to get at the drive firmware.

The big advantage for modders is that console prices keep coming down while game prices remain the same, so unless MS finds a way to step up their banning waves it’s becomes easier and easier for modders to justify buying a new console every now and then.

yep yep.

now just gotta find another console. only downside is that it will prob be a liteon drive :(…which i cannot flash.

I haven’t done a liteon yet but I thought most of the liteon’s could be software dumped now?

The console I’m playing right now is an unmodded liteon that I got as an RRoD replacement. At the time it couldn’t be modded so I stuck in on a shelf and picked up a used BenQ drive 360 from AFrank that I modded. That system has been offline since the day the banwave started. I was actually on live playing R6V2 when a buddy called and said he got banned. I shut down, unplugged, and haven’t even powered it on since. I won’t be powering it back on until I put 1.7 one it. If it ends up banned after all that I’ll have to mod the liteon one.

You guys are some serious video game junkies. Is it really worth it in the end?

Lets see, I’ve had to buy one xbox because it was banned, and I paid around $100 for it.

I have about 40 games that should have cost approximately $50 each.

You do the math. :wink:

EDIT: Or a better way to look at it… Every time I download a game I think is going to be sweet and end up playing it once because it sucks I end up with a $1 coaster, not a $50 coaster. Recently that included NSF_Shift and Operation Flashpoint 2.

last i knew…u would need to either solder something on the board itself or use a special tool to flash the liteon.