1998 Z28 customer wanted to keep everything up top to keep the t-top holders. so this is what we came up with. Pioneer 3700,crossfire P1 12" sub, crossfire xp6004 4 channel,cerwin vega components up front.whatcha think?
Very Slick.
Looks nice the only thing I see that would annoy me is it is sitting closer to the left side than the right side of the car, compare the spacing between it and the speakers
i hope that back hatch has some daaark tint
nice… im not feeling the tan but i guess it matches.
we died it the factory tan and textured it to look as factory as possible.he just wanted something clean and simple.
That should come in a package with limo tint…I had a similar setup in my Firebird (although not nearly as clean) and it didn’t work out too well with having to park it on the street at Canisius…lasted all of 2 months.
very clean…
nice work as usual, i like :tup:
Yeah, maybe push some limo tint, bulletproof hatch window, or even a sec. system.
that looks nuce.
:tup: looks nice and clean.