Just got my License

Buy a pizza deliver vehicle, such as Honda Civic DX, Geo Metro, Ect. Bank money and make it rain!

buy a bicycle then hit the strip club

ive seen a few 97+ 4cyl for sale, im always looking for them

whats wrong with subaru? i ahve one…i think i did everything right on mine…(although it is my 2nd car…haha)

whos your brother? im a senior there…


ehh only 6 months. plus I know the kid haha

I know bro… just joshin with ya. 59 posts into Shift518 you are no longer considered a NOOB anymore IMO so you can get jib poked here and there now.

ahh I see :stuck_out_tongue: haha I remember my first forum, I bumped a 4 year old thread, I thought my house was gonna get bombed :lol: anyways…back on topic. haha

yea i accedently didnt look at a post date for someone who went on a vacation where i use to live, 6 month thread bump and i got 2 negs lol

You fucked up there piggy. We know your a cop now

lt1 camaro or trans am:dunno

so thaaats your claim to fame… Chuckie Z

Lol damn straight son

What did you do exactly? pictures??

I’ve actually done that before. And had a similar outcome.

what did i do to my old one? well…lets just say i decided to park my car in the bed of a honda ridgeline at about 40…yea yea i know i know stupid idiot kid drivers not paying attention and shit >.< lol i have pics but not uploaded. it looked perfectly fine…from the mirrors back. lo

btw it was an 03 corolla

Vote #2 that Honda’s are boring.

#3 boring … buy my 3kgt almost as boring as a honda

But easily one millions times harder to work on.

3kgt’s are easy to work on, easier when compared to other cars like enzos and shit
