Just hit 50!

no, not my age, but I’ve reached 50 pictures on my deviantart ( http://kzleh.deviantart.com/ ). it’s been just over 3 weeks, so I guess it’s safe to say I can’t stop snapping away.

Thats nice dude. i need to start a page there for myself but dont really have much things to post so i want to wait it out a bit.

Good Job though :R

nice. you take awsome pics, keep it up.

awesome stuff…yea…bet he cud make even my car look good lol

probably a car wash first would make your car look good."D lol:D just kiddin angelica.

^^ haha, or a touch up on the paw prints. :slight_smile:

lol a wash definatly…but if its cold i aint washin my car…dont want no frozen locks haha

ya frozen locks suck… my drivers door was frozen for a week or so, had to open at the passengers door and reach over to unlock my door.

lol, poor fitzy, i felt bad, because all of the locks were frozen

Dont have to worry about frozen locks here, remote ftw! but I remember my camry’s lock got frozen and my remote ran out of battery LOL

lol. luckily he was still able to open it up. we were freezing really bad though.

Son, your pimp hand is weaksause. I was washing my father’s car the other week, I had to no-rinse-wash panel by panel to prevent the panels from flash-freezing. My interior dressing froze on contact with the dash, and I had a dash of nice and slick ice… which left me scrambling to find a solution. :stuck_out_tongue:

Frozen locks, wuss.!

me, kev, and fitzy were freezing outside while someone was all warm and comfortable in the car. :smiley: