Just introducing myself.

Name’s Chris, I drove a 94 Pontiac Grand Prix for the past 7 years. Got rear ended by a chevy silverado, and working on fixing her to be at least a winter beater. I’m driving an 02 Ford Taurus.
Mx5, Chaz, has been recommending I join this site.
I like Pontiacs and Grand Prixs. I’m broke. I’m learning on the dead grand prix, so that my next Real project car goes smoothly.
Thats it for now.

here is a picture of the ass of the grand prix, all the damage is under the bumper where the metal is all pushed in. The metal kinda crinkled a bit behind the side rear windows, and the passenger rear wheel well was pushed in to the tire.
Here is where it split the wheel well.


And here is how some of the rear was pushed in.

Been busy trying to find a new job, just now looking into fixing what I can on my own with muscle, a brain, and a hammer.

thats all I can type right now. Mx5 took me to some place to go offroading today. Much like the Great Escape , but only for men with quads and dirtbikes, I’m sore, and tired. (I never rode a dirtbike before, and was thrown from it into a big pool of water when I lost traction on mud, was hilairious).

I hope I can be of help to people, as I’m sure I’ll be inquiring for information.
Thanks for your time.
Have a good night.



For any technical help, there are plenty of gearheads over in the Tech section of the forum.

Sounds like you had a good night.

Any pictures of it before the accident?

Wow, you’re about as enthusiastic as me.

I just wanted to add in, after reading the post between SSmokin (think I got that right) and MclarenGP.

Just cause I like Grand Prix’s, doesn’t mean I don’t realize they are slow as hell, heavy, and that my v6 3100 has the fuel economy of a v8 and the speed of a 4 banger.
That said, I do have dreams of making it able to run with the nicer cars out there, and I do see ALOT of nice cars on this forum. I respect alot of the people on here just for the amount of work they have put into their cars.

I’ll also toss in, I just graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering Technology & Computer Science. Damn this economy for the lack of jobs!

RIP Billy Mayz.

“Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan is the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11”

<insert porn here>

Yup, heres my old cardomain.

One suggestion… learn from my mistakes, don’t try to argue politics on this site. You will just get a huggggge headache.

The Grand Prix outlived the Supra at least. Damn you.

You got me there, my grand prix wouldn’t die. It took a Chevy Silverado doing 40mph to plow into my ass end while I was at a stand still (waiting to make a left hand turn) to plow my car up the road about a hundred feet. Broke my damn car seat.
Sometimes I just wanna tear it apart and rebuilt it from the beginning.
Just take off everything, rebuild the V6 3100 with a topend from a v6 3900 and turbo charge the beast, throw on MegaSquirt to control the fuel, find a Getrag 282 to convert over to 5spd, sell the rebuild auto with only 5k on it on here or craigslist, and see what she’s capable of. Cause I swear that car handles BEAUTIFULLY through the worst weather, and in the worse conditions. I even took it off road out at school on our Baja trails cause I didn’t feel like walking to the Airsoft field.

Id look into getting the frame pulled at HVCC by students in the autobody program. Youll have to wait until the spring semester and wait a while to get it done but its a cheap way to fix it since money is an issue.

I was gonna try and see what I could do with some 4x4’s and a bottle jack like what Avionator did with his Miata. Hammer what I could, and fix the wheel well by grinding away the rot, and just welding some sheet metal in the wheel well to seal it up.
But thats a good idea, I will keep that in mind.
I’m trying to really do whatever I can myself, to really learn hands on.

so much for going to bed, I can’t move out of this chair, my right leg is sore. It doesn’t want any weight on it as i just learned while taking a piss and starting tipping over.

welcome to the site and good thing you read all the mclaren gtp posts haha

yea i used to have a 94 gtp and i thought it was a nice car and shit, now i realize they suck ass and i never want another w body again

i realize you may “love” your car, but its gonna be better to get a another grand prix, maybe a gtp this time, and start with that, than go tear yours down and do a total rebuild, yano ?

but skipping the headaches of w bodies all together seems to be the best choice… and go rwd… fwd is a mistake many here are realizing :smiley:

well at least you did some reading before going the same route as mclaren :smiley:

with a realistic eye, I feel it’ll become a winter beater just because it is the most reliable winter car I’ve ever driven. If you recall that blizzard we had back during Valentine’s day a couple years ago, I was actually doing Flower deliveries, and ended up tearing the exhuast off the car from bottoming out so much in the snow and ice, but she still kept moving along, and never got stuck.

Also, while I’m being realistic, I’m checking out job postings right now, and hopefully I’ll have an income soon and I can start saving up on the side while paying off student loans, maybe I can buy a new toy…
That new Hyundai Genesis looks pretty sweet, i think I’ll go test drive one for fun.

The big thing is if I go looking for a new sporty car to drive and work on, It really has to click in my head, and my gut, that its the right car. Ya know? I kinda got that with the Scion tC back in 06 when I test droveone in the winter, and was really surprised how well it handled the snow. But I’m 6’3’’, 270lbs, and a Scion tC might be just alittle too small.
However I did fit in Chaz’s miata when he let me drive that. hey! maybe I can buy Chaz’s v6 camaro for fun.

nah dont get a scion

but i can tell u that, if u found a w body to be a good car, you’ll find LOADS and LOADS of other cars, old and new to be 10x better for you than the GP…

if you are considering a genesis, then i would assume that means your options are hella wide since they arent cheap cars and you shouldnt have a problem finding another platform of car to get into

i really just think, make it the winter beater, and get into something for a project car/weekend ride

Well Since I got my license, I always thought the Nissan 240’s were sexy as hell. The body lines, hideaway headlights, RWD, and the fact that you just swap in a redtop for some real power, it’s just appealing. (to the english nazi’s, I don’t always write with proper sentence structure).
I would test drive a genesis, but no way in hell am I buying one right now. I hate the idea of buying a car brand new, too much loss in value and money.
Also, since I’m a Pontiac dude, I’ll probably look to Firebirds, Transams, and if I can afford it when I get there, maybe I can get a GTO.

Thanks for the welcomes too people, the amount of information on this site is really good, like a kid in a candy store, I’m reading on peoples projects and why they did what they did with the car.

Buy this and use yours as a parts car.

convert back to obd1 (727 ecm ) , grab stock Mustang injectors (yellow tops) contact me for a tune and no need for megasquirt.


Damn… that sounds like a good idea.

except for the fact that I think I’m still ready to move on. When I have the money, I’m going to look into something new to work on.



sounds like a better idea.

but honestly I need to get money first.