just over 200km on a full tank of gas.

12:1 on a NA motor I think is a little too rich, I think you can get away with a low to mid 13:1 afr running NA.

my car gets 400 km/h per tank

i want more

what should i do besides buying a honda

buy a vw TDI.

do some research or read a book please before you post mis-information.

I recommend “how to tune and modify engine management systems”

that is all.

*after re-reading your post i see you put to mid 13’s,

13.5ish-14.5 is where you should be under load on a stock KA, at WOT the a/fs should dif slightly richer and then come back leaner as the o2 feeds back info to the computer.

Low load should be 15.1-mid 16’s. perhaps higher, i’ve seen sr’s as high as 17:1 under low load/rpm.

my friend don’t talk to me like im 10 years old and know nothing about what im saying, I clearly stated that a mid 13 afr running NA would be fine.
I better get to the library tho, I’ve got some reading to do apparently.

Buy a Toyota, my previa has 475,000 km all original and still gets about 750km per tank on the highway

are you saying 13:1 at part throttle or wide open throttle, cause for WOT that’s where a n/a car should be at the higher rpms and high load

I’m talking about wide open throttle.

your telling pearls13 to learn to read a book on this stuff lol…

his car is dead on the money when it comes to tuning… do everyone a favor and dont talk down to others… read and understand what he posted first.

Get a life, This is the problem with son, little dinks like you come out of the woodwork and cause shit.

I’m SICK AND TIRED of people posting hearsay information here.

If you don’t like it, keep your coment to yourself, it wasn’t regaurding you.

Mods. feel free to edit or delete.

you calling me a little dinks …lol …I am older then you and have far more automotive skills

btw you came to this post and starting acting smart… and now your turning it around on others…thats the reason I posted …smart ass guys like you can get lost…your rude comments not needed