Just ran my credit report


same thing happened to me. my father had the same name so i got the shaft. but here i am 7 yrs later with great credit and buying a house. you need to write letters to the creditors and prvide them with proof that you are who you are. its pretty gay but unfortunetly theres no way around it. good luck, you got a tuff rd ahead of ya. you can thank your parents for that. i know i did.


Same thing happened to me as well. My father and I have the same name and he had a $25k judgement placed against his business. It was dismissed but still ended up on my credit report. :eek:

I had to write letters to the big three reporters, explaining the situation. Also, was supported by a letter from the family attorney and judgement statement. Took about 3-5 months to clear up.

Good luck.