Justin's s14 240Sx (94 sentra_xe)

just seein if your ready

wanna tell me what he needs zipties for?

maybe to zip your fuckin mouth


mclarenGP vs cazwrx from a dig or roll.



littl update to get us back on topic

finished covering and re-wraping the wiring, put all the dash pannels back on the driver side (fuze box cover and steeering colum cover)

Yes theres a knockout on the fire wall for the clutch cyl

That looks like pure dogshit… I have zipties holding on the bumpers of my track car so they are easy to take off because its too low to get on the trailer without fucking up the fiberglass… but i mean come on, atleast you cant see my zipties… Just because something is a “drift car” dosent mean it has to be african engineered… thats just retarded, why do people purpously make their cars look like shit because its the cool thing to do

Itzzz for maaad jdm doriftoingggggg!!!

Also removed the stock automatic shifter. Need to get the shift cable out, and brake pedal next. Justin i just made a list of shit todo. get ready.

Yeah Joey has one of the fastest cars in the area…

And i just seen Jesus.

WHY are you taking the brake pedal out? its so much easier to put just the clutch pedal in and cut the brake pedal pad to the right size… Swapping brake pedals is just way more extra work… fool

wasnt gonna let him take it out anyway

Takes more work, but im sorry i do things right?


:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl cutting the pedal pad is more work than changing the entire pedal for no reason???:gtfo

e humor owns me. i meant

PFFT. Yes it takes more work, but sorry im doing it not the ghetto way.

so there. Dosnt matter to me, not my car. i would have swapped the pedal. im too anal about car stuff

theres nothing ghetto about it… remove rubber pad. cut pedal, install pad from manual brake pedal… done… 5 minutes work literally, and theres no telling that it was cut, and a cut pedal is no different than a 5spd brake pedal… it saves lots of un-necessacary work

Dude it’s not hard to drop the brake pedal either. Fuck, I swapped it out for a 5-speed brake pedal, I’m not into hacking shit up.

Zipties are temporary, I could never be JDM enough to run them all the time.

I <3 zipties

car looks good man

please don’t rice it

Jerseyfresh, you have any suspension setups for s13?