JVD's hastle free rust removal

Okay soo i was buffing my subframe and realized how bad it sucked and how many cracks would be killer to get into

remembered a hot rod trick

Alll you need is water, baking soda, a battery charger, a rubber tub for whatever size part, and a stainless steel rod for your electrode

Pretty much all you do in short form is
-Fill tub with water
-Throw table spoon of baking soda per gallon i threw in an entire small box
-Toss the negative charge on the piece of metal that needs rust removal, positive charge on your electrode making sure it doesn’t touch the other piece of metal
-Might need more chargers and rods for bigger objects i used 3 12 volt battery chargers
-Watch it work its magic
-Once its all done just power wash all the rust off easy ass thhat

heres some pics from start to finish
Shit thats a rusty ass beast
wow that waters clean
poopy ass water but it means its working
watching the bubbles work their shit
theres the line showing the difference between the stuff in and out of the water

its actually amazing you could just pick most of the rust off with your hand way more efficient to power wash though gets in all the cracks too.

Hope you enjoy i know i enjoyed not having to buff all that shit off

posted this on other sites but thought i would put it here for those who don’t use them


Did this myself… definately works.

wow thats unreal, i need to do that to my hole body frame lol

oh and if anyone is installing solid subframe bushings which they probly won’t

but anyways you gotta knock out those metal sleeves just didn’t have them hammered off here

if only they had a tub of water big enough for a 240 to fit in

i’d stick mine in asap lol

it only works on surface rust…not body cancer rust

You can just go to Canadian tire and buy Muriatic acid, brush it on let is sit for 5 minutes then wash it with water. Eats the rust before it eats the metal, good for things you cant just dump into a tub of water.