so i built an electrolysis tank for removing rust...

and its working pretty damn fast

ive got a pair of 3x3 angle irons as the positive side electrodes, and theres about 6 feet of tubing hanging in there for rust removal

after 20 min, theres already a decent skin of rust infested air bubbles on the surface of the water

didnt expect it to work this fast either … one of the parts is already turning black as it should

whole setup is drawing 9 amps @ 12 volts

anybody want anything cleaned ? … ill clean your turbo for free …lol

this just in … rubber will turn to mush in a setup like this
so will the aluminiun that coats aluminized tubing


had some coupler residue stuck to the pipes…it became mashed potatoes

sounds good nick… did you have a running nose during this project too

nice what are you using to power it? and any pics. i know some one would ask, and i know you will post them.

typical 10 amp battery charger

i was going to use a computer power supply, but i didnt feel like taking the time to figure out how to gt it to power on

pics tomorrow, batteries are dead / charging now

that is what i thought you would be using. will wait for the pics.

just went out andplayed with shit, everything is now coated in black iron instead of rust … except where there wasnt a clear line of sight from the positive electrode to the rust

to fix that, i cut up some small pop bottles to use as spacers top and bottom and put the + electrode INSIDE the pipe i need to finish cleaning … in a while ill go make sure the plastic is holding up well

tomorrow ill swap the setup to the other pipe i have to finish inside, and ill be all set

takes 3 hours to totaly clean a piece of well rusted exhaust pipe

Slick. :tup:


tomorow ill get pics , batteries were dead on the cam

Isn’t science cool? Very nice DIY project.

ever notice how camera batteries are always dead when someone does a project you actually wanna see?


this is cool, i wanna see

i have no idea what this does… LOL

someone explain to the retarded tired and exhausted person how rust is turned into iron?

sounds like a fun little project.

you should make a how-to on this, even tho it isn’t that complicated at all.

Most impressive sir. :tup:

that’s actually really cool. i’m in for pics.

Hmmm…we have a spare room in the apartment. And a metric fuck-ton of parts. Maybe it’s time for a copycat project.

As for a computer power supply, I believe it’s the green pin shorted to the black pin that will turn it on. There are a million sources online that will tell you how to jumper one to run. That’s probably what I’d use to power a tank, if I were to make one.

dont do it, the process forms bubbles on the + electrodes and on the parts themselves … the bubbles are hydrogen and oxygen … fill a room with that stuff and you get an explosion that will level the building

Hahahahaha. Damn. Spare room houses the water heater and furnace too. Perfect place. :smiley: