so i built an electrolysis tank for removing rust...

IB4 someone ends up on the news electrocuted or exploded. :slight_smile:


typical 10 amp battery charger

i was going to use a computer power supply, but i didnt feel like taking the time to figure out how to gt it to power on

pics tomorrow, batteries are dead / charging now


Find someone with an old Pentium computer with the AT style power supply rather than the ATX. The AT had the power switch built into the power supply rather than being connected to the Mobo. You can see it here along the left bottom edge of the picture:

Or check this link out:

Iā€™vee been using that process for my locost parts, works great, I just use my 6 amp Lincoln battery charger.

Donā€™t do it indoors, DO NOT USE STAINLESS STEEL!!! Canā€™t stress this enough, a byproduct of using stainless is chromium, itā€™s deadly in very small doses.