KA header coating

i got a 4 month old Pacesetter header off one of my parts car.

originally i didnt want to use it because it’s pacesetter, so i gave it to a friend, and he isnt really going to use it either.

my question is:

if i have it ceramic coated, will it be as effective as a hotshot?

in other words, is the reason the pacesetter is co cheap the quality of the materials it is made out of?

or will it have flow problems?

what can i do to it to make it a worthwhile addition the my car, or is it impossible to make it a respectable mod?

i think its all urban legend…show me back to back dyno tests of the 2 headers…does anyone have any proof that one works better than the other?

i still don’t see any back to back dyno charts :slight_smile:

well i am not looking for a big increase in power, unless it makes me slower i wont complain.

at work, we are authorized for pacesetter, and even our suppliers agree that the quality it low.

it is cheaper than OEM.

their products dont last very long is the problem.

the design is similar to hotshot, but the materials are much cheaper, probably a really mild steel or something.

i am sure it flows as well as it is supposed to, but what can i do to prevent typical pacesetter wear & quality issues.

yeah phil, it is basically free so i dont mind putting some money into it to get it better than new, but am i going to have to replace it? or is it just going to friggin suck?

more than power, i want sound.

my buddy has a header out SS exhaust on his BMW, he just joined the board, and it sounds unreal… i wanna sound a little more like that and less like a cheap import with a fancy muffler.

so what kind of treatments, coatings etc. are typical to better the life and longevity of these parts

i’ll keep it local…

but phil, you think it’s a good idea to throw this thing on…

because i cut up pacesetter all the time, i feel like an idiot putting it on, but if is gonna do what it is supposed to then i guess it’ll be okay.

this one is pretty new, but pacesetter itself is kinda poo…

but the point adam makes is a good one,

how much better could the hotshot really be?

if i have it treated to fend off quality issues…

i am kinda going in circles here arent i, okay, i will do some searching, i need to be convinced one way r the other.

wow thanks for the sweet post Bing… :smiley:

i also have a set of pacesetter headers that i got off an engine…
i had the exact same quality issues running through my mind… so whatever you decide to do… ill do it still…

how much does it cost to coat a set of headers anyway?