I’ve got a '91 5spd Nissan pickup w/ ka24e… the other day my gf was driving it and she said it started making weird noises. She got scared, pulled over and shut it off…then it wouldn’t start again.
here’s the symptoms:
-turn the key and starter is working, but it doesn’t sound like normal cranking… can’t really describe it but something is definately spinning (flywheel, crank… I dunno).
-we bump started it and it sounds/drives absolutely fine.
-brought it home, shut it off and tried to start it again… nothing.
-I took off the starter and had it tested at CT… it was perfect (I actually bought it there 2 months ago).
-went home and installed it again and still wouldn’t start.
-took the battery to CT for testing and it’s fine too.
-my bro and gf have noticed the tach not working on two different occassions… it’s always been fine for me and I drive it the most.
any ideas?