Kaisertown??? where is it?

looking thru craigslist for an apartment, I ran across some that seems like a pretty good deal in “kaisertown”… where abouts in buffalo is this?


kaisertown is like two blocks from my apt in west seneca.

Its the area on clinton between bailey and union.

Not a bad area, but its more like south buffalo.

Its sorta right inbetween west seneca and downtown if your coming from west seneca and going downtown.

awesome, thanks brother

ill never understand the appeal of south buffalo

there really is no appeal other than its cheap, and not as crime ridden as other parts of the city.

the area along mckinley pkwy in south buffalo is nice, but it’s encircled in trash pretty much 360* around it

yea, a couple friends of mine live there, it is nice. but yea, not too sure about the area around that

awesome… I’m gonna call and see about them. I know a few peeps in south b.lo.

they were quite a few days old though, so hopefully still avalible (apartments on CL seem to go quick)

Kaisertown is not South Buffalo…

this is pretty cool:

A Allentown
BL Bailey-Lovejoy
BR Black Rock
CP Central Park
C Cold Springs
DD Delaware District
D Downtown
ES East Side
E Elmwood Strip
FL Fillmore-Leroy
FW First Ward (the easternmost 1/3 is The Valley)
FB Fruit Belt
H Hamlin Park
HH Hospital Hill
HP Humboldt Park
K Kaisertown
KE Kensington
KH Kensington Heights
LWS Lower West Side
M Masten Park
NB North Buffalo
NP North Park
P Parkside
PO Polonia
R Riverside
S Schiller Park
SB South Buffalo
UD University District
UH University Heights
V Vernon Triangle
WS West Side
W Willert Park

:word: Not even close. I live in south buffalo on Hollywood right between Abbott and Mckinley, nice street. Im about the worst thing on my street, ripping my loud ass 4-wheeler and cars up the street.

Kaisertown=lots of Polish peeps.

I always thought Ktown was near Lovejoy…down william/bailey area

Clinton and South Ogden

It was called Kaisertown because of all the Germans but now its, its, its…
not so German anymore.

It’s my hood now:)

nice find :tup: RC, SA.

yEA…I get off the 190s at Clinton Bailey exit and there is a sign right there that says Welcome to Kaiser Town…and Kaiser Elementary or some school with Kaiser in the name is right there too

If you wanna be ghetto go ahead and do it

I don’t know about how hood south buffalo is. i mean a lot of it is run down, but in terms of the demographics of buffalo I would consider the East Side, and parts of the lower west side (past grant) to be a lot mor trouble