Keep my father in your thoughts...

thats good to hear man, and yes, yes i do!

good luck to him man i hope he beats it!

Wow, I meant prostate cancer( what my dad has), but Colon cancer is also Very curable.

He didn’t need radiation with the seeds they implant the are radioactive and they slowly decay over time.

Good Luck :slight_smile:

prayers are with you and your family.

shrives hope everything goes as planned.

having a dad whos been in the hospital critically ill for 2 months now and counting I can feel for ya, best of luck to your dad, you and your family

your dad is a stand up guy. i love talking to him.

best of luck my friend. i wish you well.

Good luck man…

I know what it feels like. I sat in on my moms bone marrow transplant a few months ago. Its scary stuff.

Sounds like a good chance of things going well. I hope for such, best of luck to him.

His dad can put up a hell of an argument about almost anything, He’s a great guy. Hope he’s back home soon in good health.

Thanks guys, ill be at the hospital in a couple hours and will have news on his condition late tonight after everything is finished, ill update as needed…

happy monday :frowning:

hope everything goes good shrives…-----eric

Hope it goes well buddy

good luck to the family

I got to visit with him tonight, he’s in good spirits and the operation went 100% perfect. The doctor told the family that they appear to have removed all of the cancer but won’t be 100% sure until he’s stable enough to take more tests next week. But all in all, it looks like he should be recovered and good to go <3.

It was pretty funny, there was over 60 people in the waiting room all for him lol (half family half friends) and the doctor asked me if we were Italian LOL…

Thanks again for everyones concerns, phone calls, and texts from yesterday and today. It means a lot :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: GOOD to hear

:tup: and good luck to a speedy recovery

shrives i got u in my thoughts.

Awesome, good to hear Shrives. Hope his recovery is quick!