Keller Chevorlet Mailer?

Anyone get this yesterday or today in the mail? THe black mailer with the scratch off on it. Been reading it and trying to figure out the catch. My scratch off number matches the one on the inside and it says I am guaranteed one of the 4 prizes.

LOL, I get 2 of those a week in MI. Typically one of the 4 is a crappy $5 camera or something cheap and thats what you will get.

Let me guess, 3 of the prizes are really expensive, and one is a piece of crap? You won the crap. They’re just trying to drive people to the dealership so they can hit them up with the high pressure sales pitch.

3 night vacation
2008 Malibu
Dell Computer

Hell I would go for a free computer if its legit.

Look for a tiny asterisk or, see store for official rules type thing??

Go in and see. I’m sure there is a catch. You probably get the vacation but you’re responsible for airfare or something.

No one gives something away for nothing.

I think the small chance it is legit would be worth 30 min of your time. Go on in.

I’m a winner too!

Every one is a winner… and you can get the $200 computer if you buy a $20,000 car! Sweet!

Yea. Re-read it and it said to see store for official rules. Kinda waiting to go in and be like “Oh…you only officially win if you buy a car…sorry”


lol i got this stupid thing sitting on my table. more or less to get more people in the door.

charlie keller is a fucking asshat, my grandpa bought the same car from another dealer for 2500 more because keller wouldnt look him in the eye or even shake his hand, fuck him and his fucking family when his truck drove by my delta sonic i threw a piece of ice at it didnt break anything though, if he fucking died i would not care i would piss all over his grave and rip that fuckin gotee off his face, fuck him and his prizes

with every post you make… you suck even more, you child

what are you his butt buddy?

All this hate for a lack of hand shake?


Has UB really lowered their standards for engineering this much? I suppose a garbage man is a sanitation engineer on paper though.

Ooh… vote for custom title of “Future Sanitation Engineer” for ubengineering.


What car person throws ice at another car?

wtf kind of guy wont shake your hand?

real funny, did you come up with that all by yourself, cause this is really original, not just that, but epic, arent you suppossed to be at work right now? your job must be so serious your on a forum, werent you also for hillary clinton before you switched to mccain? she would really do the country a lot of good, almost as much as shes done for WNY

I had a Hillary custom title because JoesTypeS gave it to me as a joke. Being a good sport I left it there for a long time, way longer than I think anyone expected me to.

And I think the title would be fitting for you because based on your posts you’ll never make it as an engineer in the traditional sense, so looking for fake title engineering jobs is pretty much your only shot.

Check to see if it says “No purchase necessary.” If it does NOT say that, then there’s your catch.