Keller Chevorlet Mailer?

was this before of after you rubbed vagina? jesus, this is the most retarded thing iv ever heard. im almost tempted to call someone and get your ass fired just for the fact of complete stupidity.

i dont understand?? if you have a good GPA and have background experience what would be causing me not to make it as an engineer?

I’m sure the official rules that he can only view at the dealership have the “catch” clearly spelled out.

I’m wondering about the legality of the mailer for not including the rules on it though.

im sure if you tried that it would completely not work

you would be surprised the amount of connections i have with higherups still at delta sonic… but knowing you and your posts, you probably didnt throw ice at the car… u just said it cuz ur a pussy, and thats what you do…


remember guys its not legal to do that. tha attorney general would rip his head off if it said you win a prize but you had to buy something. trust me, i’m one of those idiots who sends out those mailers you guys hate that always seem to sell us plenty of cars. especially the “get approved” one’s

sorry guys… they work so we keep using them. alot of times we do it because there’s is some sort of deal attached. ex. there is a 6 month payment waiver from GMAC right now. I’ll post a thread in the advertiser’s section with more details.

you’re didn’t you cause that’s, werk on ur gramerr, you should come to my work next time i’m working

OHNOES!!! did you just threaten to throw ice cubes at his bimmer??? your so totally badass, i want to be you.

fail x2

I know a couple people that don’t shake hands due to being a germaphobe.
Or maybe he was sick and decided not to shake an old man’s hand to avoid passing on the illness.

Or maybe it was a sign of disrespect and he didn’t want to deal with your grandpa. I move on, but losing $2,500 on a deal just doesn’t make sense to me.

Either way I wouldn’t have that much hate for a lack of a hand shake.
On the other hand if someone damaged my car on purpose, I would not take that lightly. Nor have I in the past.

I don’t see people walking away for a chance at 1 million dollars becuase Howey Mandel won’t shake their hand.

i agree with you, but idk hes old and those things are important to him, and plus all old people have money to waste anyways

I went home for lunch and sure enough I had one of these mailers to, and imagine that, I too am a guaranteed winner of one of the four prizes listed.

Not sure how they can legally get away with this. It says very clearly that I’m guaranteed one of the 4 prizes and there is no fine print on there to explain the catch. I’m assuming the catch is listed on the “full rules” I can see at the dealership but I’m sure if anyone pressed they could get Keller in trouble with the state AG.

I’m debating about dropping an email to WGRZ’s tipline to see if they want to follow up on it.

seriously, who throws a shoe?

I’ll bet anything you would win the Vacation.But as stated above you would have to pay for airfare or attend a meeting when down there.Those ‘free’ vacations are around all the time and didn’t cost him 1 penny to do.
I’ve also had ‘dealings’ with him and can verify the some of the above comments.
One of the reasons I don’t have a Z now and that Ken Barrett Chev in Batavia has 3 more sales that keller would’ve had in the last 6 mos.

There is a few loop holes in the thing. They say only 300 prizes a day. I could see them easily saying they have given out all the prizes for that day. I guess I could show up when they open and call them liars on that but there has to be a legality thing with them not putting the full rules on the mailer.

You cant bring someone into your store and tell them, the mailer didnt say everything. Think about it, if you mailed someone and said if you come to my dealership, I will give you 15,000 dollars to put towards a car and when they get there be like, oh you can only use it on a viper.

Ken Barrett is a nice guy. The company I used to work for does some business with him.
The company I currently work for does as well, but I am not a dealer facing salesmen. Just a creative number crunching analyst.

Lets hope he is a nice and HONEST guy is he is the one that promised me zr1 at sticker.him and SM

I do really wonder on the legally thing on this offer.


  • No star or marking indecating additional terms other than what is printed inside about how they are only giving 300 per day, must be official mailer, must be at the dealer, etc.

  • No statement of “No Purchase Nessasary”

  1. I am going into the dealer this afternoon and see what I won. If they say I won something but they gave away 300 already for the day, I will be there first thing tomorrow to make sure I get it.

  2. If I get there and say I need to buy something and follow the official rules in store, is that legal? From what I know, it isnt because places all over would be giving out free stuff and having people come into their stores to find out there is additional rules.