Key cut/program

Does anyone local cut/program keys on the weekend? Specifically honda keys. As a secondary I need a key fob too.

Center for Security was recommended to me but they are never open when im off of work.

Go to Saratoga Honda and ask for Ralph in parts. Tell him jake sent you, he’ll hook you up

Thanks for the help. You wouldnt by any chance know his schedule, maybe through pm?

He’s the parts manager so if they’re open he’s there pretty much
Call and ask for ralph

honda cut my keys without copying mine. i guess in 1995 theres only 8 different keys.

Yeah, well, Im making a spare for my 91 Jetta too but Honda wanted to charge me over $100 to program an OE spare I already own, no fob. Center For Security would get me the key with fob built in, cut and programmed for $150.

Robinson’s ace hardware (my local on on western ave) will program a key for $40, I was just over there at lunch and asked the guy about it

Also important: they need an existing key to program a new one. the device they have reads the code on one key and will copy it onto another

Nice good to know.

they got a cloner? niiiiice